The Catholic faith is simple? I like listening to the Catholic radio station and it doesn't sound very simple. For example, I hear ex Catholics who want to come back to the church call in to the show, and it can often get very complicated, at least it sounds complicated.
"The truth is", as Bro. Peter points out, "that for those who truly believe in God, accept His full truth (the Catholic Faith), don’t compromise it and want to do the right thing, it’s not hard to reach Heaven. As Christ said, “My yoke is sweet and My burden light” (Mt. 11:30). The reason that so few make it is not because it’s that hard, but because they refuse to believe the simple and easy things He has revealed, and do the simple and easy things He has commanded. Those who do what God wants and believe what He says realize that they are much happier than they were before."
It's not complicated.
Is. 7:9
Another complicated issue is "natural family planning" where you use our modern understanding of the menstral cycle to get around using a condom. Maybe I need more education on this one, but it still sounds like attempted birth control.
Natural Family Planning is birth control and has always been condemned by the Catholic Church. The Vatican II sect, which teaches NFP is not the Catholic Church but the end-times Counter Church (i.e. the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Apocalypse).
Intellectual pride? I am the master of admitting my errors. I get stuff wrong all the time, just ask my wife. When I talk about indoctrination, I mean that I rarely attended church as a child, like once a year. And my single mom was too tired or too liberal at the time to preach to me. I was pretty much ignorant of religion in general until I met my somewhat Christian bride. I was however, a VERY gullible child. I would have been east pickings if my mom wanted me to be a believer. I didn't develop a skeptical mind until my late 20's. I was not really what you would call intellectual.
You are the master of admitting your errors, yet you won't admit the biggest error of your life: resisting God? What else but pride utters to God the words: "I will not believe. I will not serve." The fact that you were not taught certain things as a child will not be sufficient at the Day of Judgment. The truth of the existence of God is written on the hearts of each man..............
Romans 2:14-16
As the Haydock Bible and Commentary correctly explains about this verse,
“these men are a law to themselves, and have it written in their hearts, as to the existence of a God, and their reason tells them, that many sins are unlawful: they may also do some actions that are morally good, as by giving alms to relieve the poor, honoring their parents, etc. not that these actions, morally good, will suffice for their justification of themselves, or make them deserve a supernatural reward in the kingdom of heaven; but God, out of His infinite mercy, will give them some supernatural graces” which if they continue to cooperate with they will get more graces and eventually be exposed to the Catholic Faith, which they must have to be saved.