Hi flower
Hi flower
We can't know God. If any man/woman comes to the father they must BELIEVE that He is and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him" You are diligently NOT seeking Him, try believing, asking, and diligently seeking Him. First though there has to be a little bit of room in your heart for the possibility of God. Just look at a flower, how could that have been by chance. I hitchhiked across Canada for three years when I was 18-21. I started reading the Bible and met God. I crossed the country 5 times in those 3 hrs. I ran into and hiked a few miles with one fellow that said he wasn't quite sure but if there was a God he would find Him (we don't find God, He finds us, we do have to reciprocate the search inorder to make the connection though). I was childish enough in my faith to believe that I simply could ask and God would answer, so I told this fellow that God was going to send a red truck up the road and pick us up, that this was God sticking out His hand and introducing Himself.
What do you think happened? I think this young man first had to be open to the possibility, and also not going to be too quick to explain it away (God knows our heart). Most importantly he needed to be as a little child - daddy knows everything and whatever he says is the truth. Good thing we are talking about God because He actually does know everything and we won't go astray by believing it. Have you read His word? His Love letters.
A red truck did actually come up the road and pick us up. I told him when we got out I didn't want to talk about it because we would just take away from a truly awesome experience. We met God, but only because we were childish (maybe you could say not intelligent enough) childish enough to believe that there was a God and that He would actually take the time to answer one of His children's request. God desires it this way to confound the wise/proud, no one can be so wise that they don't need God so why let that be a prerequisite for "knowing" God. Everything is just fluff, our only chance to have life is if we have God so don't waste it trying to have knowledge - have God and then all these things will be added unto you - knowledge included.