ECT Hebrews- Problem verses for Interplanner

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Problem thoughts for D'ists:
I have used the Foyle analogy lately. Some bright D'ist thought I was "quoting a bible" and guilted me for not using the Bible. The same club feels free to quote gems from Mayberry, or Gilligans' Island, or Gomer Pyle.
Those TV shows have more correct theological content than your commentaries.

It's hard to imagine such foolishness but the point was the rookie deputy was mindless and never asked a decent, necessary question--besides moving evidence too soon.
Fascinating, like your love for error.

For STP not to deal properly with Acts 13:32 is to 'move evidence.' Hint: single vs plural is not the issue.
Single VS plural is a very important point that you ignore because you are clueless about the whole thing.


New member
Those TV shows have more correct theological content than your commentaries...

Mayberry, maybe... (what were they - Methodist?)

Gomer, perhaps.

Though obviously not Jim Nabors.

But those castaways on Gilligan's Island; I doubt it.

Well, perhaps Maryanne.



New member
STP has not satisfied my questions so I'm not interested.

He's busy writing a book "about."

Just for you, as he has finally figured out that is the only way to reach you, given your obvious lack of familiarity with the Scripture - through books "about."



Well-known member
You made this up.

I have the book somewhere. I got it from a member of the church while on a mission trip.

Anyone who says 'made up' about so many ranges of topics and so many quotes of scripture and good resources should be banned. I'd rather have you be vulgar than to destroy discussion so extensively. Get out of your head.


Well-known member
Were the Israelites, or did they enter into it?

If the Law was always to be observed 'gratis' (out of gratitude, responsively) then it never was obligating God to Israel. Apparently in the post-exile, intertestament period that conception came about--that God was obligated to Israel if Israel obeyed perfectly. Thus the pressure to see the Sabbath kept exactly, and the tension about inter-racial marriage, etc., race in general.

As far as I know, that is what the NT means when it says people are 'under the law.' It is post-exile, intertestament Judaism. We know from Gal 3:17 that this doctrinal system no longer believed in an outright promise of Abraham, and had replaced it with the Law, thus the pressure to perform found in Pharisee Judaism. Paul grew up in that.

Nowhere in the Law does it say to write a psalm each day, but David did and God called him a man after his own heart--quite a compliment!

I think what Paul is saying about post-exile, IT Judaism is that it thought of itself as entering an agreement in which it could obligate God. This is what 'establishing its own righteousness' meant. So at the end of Rom 11, after Paul has tried once more to redirect his countrymen from the Law to the mission work of the Gospel, he says the rather pointed 'to whom is God obligated or in debt?' in the doxology.

This view keeps the unity of the Bible: that it always was built around the promised Seed of Gen 3, repeated in ch 12 as the same thing (not to many people, but to one Seed), so that by faith in him people would receive the Spirit of God and work in the mission of God when/after Christ appeared. This promoted the Gospel as wide as possible in Paul's time in addition to God's timed providing of ships to travel upon and a good federal road system and an easy language (koine Greek) for federal communication around the Empire.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I have the book somewhere. I got it from a member of the church while on a mission trip.

Anyone who says 'made up' about so many ranges of topics and so many quotes of scripture and good resources should be banned. I'd rather have you be vulgar than to destroy discussion so extensively. Get out of your head.

FYI- when I say "made up", it does not mean that you made it up, but rather that someone made it up...and it is false.


Well-known member
The offer still stands, IP.
In return, you will address the Hebrews passages in this thread.

I answered about the Son's throne and about the world to come. I don't see where you have, I don't see back further where you realized that 3 things are superceeded in early Hebrews (angels, priests, Melchizedek) by Christ.

the question about the world to come is not whether it is now subject, but whether Christ is enthroned, which he is because he is part of the world to come. In the short time period which they thought they had there, they were preaching the great salvation of forgiveness as well as what would be given in the next world.

This is why all long term "prophecy expert" stuff is hilariously mistaken. There is simply no expecting that it would stretch out, that it would go on that long. If you find one let me know.

So what are believers supposed to do after 72 and Masada? Just carry on with the mission.

(PS I do not 'bow down' to mighty STP saying 'you will obey...' That's like Islam.