New member
well, yes, Jeremiah's original audience was Judah nd Jerusalem.uring his ministry to urge God's people to turn from sin and back to God. i guess it depends on if we think of Hebrews (jews) as God's only "people" from the tribes of Israel. i think of Israel as all beievers, Jews and gentiles. all mankind. The New Covenant, to me is Jesus Christ also prophesied in OT. i admit i have limited knowlegde of Torah and all the Hebrew:think: writings or teachings. unfairly, i consider it outdated. too much information for me to absorb. too much detail. i'm scared, back to Jeremiah, considered a prophet also at the times of Habakkuk and Zephaniah, spoke with history, poetry, biography and symbolism, and God's judgement of them. he was faithful to God and alo spoke of a new covenant:sozo:
This Whole Thread is nothing but Lies and False teachings of Nothing!!!
You ALL Don't have the slightest Idea what the OLD and NEW (( "Covenants" )) are!!! - You all are Just Lying through your Dead and Guessing Nose!!!
Why don't you read the Bible a FEW time so you can SEE The Truth of CHRIST??? --- AND Don't say you have Read the Bible, because it's Obvious you Have NOT!! - And there again; you don't EVEN Know what "READING IS"!!! -- Reading, - IS NOT STUDYING - Reading IS Reading and Study is Study!! -- None of you So Call ~"christians" have the slightest WIT who or what God is or Says!! You Just make up garbage that cannot be Found or even Addressed to by the Word of God!!!
This "Thing" is full of NOTHING But made Up garbage!! -- And you all CALL Yourselves "Christians"!!! -- HHHHAAAAA!!!!
You all don't do anything but take up ( Web Space ) with your Nothings!!!
NOW FIGHT LIKE THIS - Back Alley "SAYS", (( "Battles take Place" ))!! OR go Hide with all the Other FOOLS!!