Heated Debate. I reveal my words to be clear.


New member
The bolded assertion is your basis for posting on TOL. You claim Jesus Christ died for all the sins ever committed by all men, and I reject this as being false. Jesus Christ took upon His flesh the sinful condition of His people (His church) and suffered the wrath of God against their corrupted condition unto death, in order to justify their souls.

He did not suffer all the sins of the world. He did not perform and ratify the New Covenant with His blood, for the world. His suffering did not make salvation just a contingent possibility . . His cross work was 100% finished by Him, 100% satisfactory before God, 100% effectual to save, and does not fail to redeem every single individual chosen in Him to receive everlasting life.

Limited/Particular Atonement is Truth and it is non-debatable.

Jesus is the savior of the world and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. Jesus has saved all people, past tense, 2000 years ago on the cross. So if all people have been saved and all sin forgiven why are many still lost and die in their sins? This finished atonement only exists in Christ and Christ is seated at the right hand of God. It doesn't become mine personally until I first hear the good news and then believe the good news. Belief is a requirement for Salvation no matter how you look at it so unbelief will cause many to forfeit the shed blood of Christ wherewith they were sanctified.