Then how do you explain my healings, both of which have been verified by doctors?
You limit God by saying that He can only deal with man that way. God brings man to Himself by His Spirit leading to salvation. God deals with His Childhood through the atonement but I was healed before I was saved, The Lord used that as part of His drawing process to bring me to repentance and faith in Christ. I am yet to see a solid Biblical case for healing in the atonement.
Pete ��
No, you misunderstand me, Imma saying we could have nothing except that God has the atonement in view.
Even if you did not know that your healing was bought and paid for at the whipping post, it still was, people do not always understand that their salvation was bought and paid for at the cross but it still was.
Matthew said when Jesus healed all who came to Him it was to fulfil what Isaiah prophesied "Himself bore our sicknesses and carried our infirmities" but He had not yet died on the cross, but the cross was and is an eternal sacrifice.
Eternity is not only future but past, present and future.