He who will build the TEMPLE of the LORD will SIT and RULE on His THRONE - Zechariah


Well-known member

If you post a messianic prophecy, then there are two possibilities: ONE, it is not a messianic prophecy, and TWO, it is a messianic prophecy, but it is not fulfilled.

All the real messianic prophecies are NOT fulfilled by your messiah.

And therefore he was not the messiah.

If you think different, just post an authentic messianic prophecy, fulfilled by JC.
There are no verses in the Tanakh concerning neo-Judaism's "messiah".
Although you claim that there have been three sub-"messiahs" already,
you have none left that meet "your specifications"... it's just a
two millennia old "pipe-dream" of post-70 A.D. Judaism.


So there are no messianic prophecies fulfilled by JC forthcoming.

I didn't think so.


New member
So there are no messianic prophecies fulfilled by JC forthcoming.
I didn't think so.

There are no messianic prophecies as far as neo-Judaism is concerned.
You've systematically "thrown overboard" (dismissed) all messianic prophecies.
You've "created" some sort of "manager for God" idea out of your imagination.

Of course, you've told us about three sub-"messiahs" from BCE (Cyrus for example), but you have ASSURED us that there were absolutely NO "messiahs" in the 1st century CE.


Well-known member
There are no messianic prophecies as far as neo-Judaism is concerned.
You've systematically "thrown overboard" (dismissed) all messianic prophecies.
You've "created" some sort of "manager for God" idea out of your imagination.


So also now there are no fulfilled messianic prophecies brought.

Of course, you've told us about three sub-"messiahs" from BCE (Cyrus for example), but you have ASSURED us that there were absolutely NO "messiahs" in the 1st century CE.

And a lie to top it off.

Christianity at its best.


New member
And a lie to top it off.

More like you have "amnesia"... concerning Daniel 9 (for example).
You have "systematically" eliminated Tanakh references that concern "Messiah",
and dismissed them as some sort of "Christian conspiracy" to lure Jews away from Judaism.
So, you are left with nothing, except an imaginary "manager for G_d" to run the earth.