ECT Have You Heard? There is Scripture That Proves Two Different Creations!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
He seems to be saying that because there are two creation accounts, there is only one creation account. :chuckle:


New member
He seems to be saying that because there are two creation accounts, there is only one creation account. :chuckle:

I meant that it reminds me of other instances where someone was trying really hard to be confused, to conjure conflict where there was none, such as "Were the birds created out of the water, or out of the dust? Bible contradicts itself" type of charges ( God brought forth flying birds from the waters in Genesis 1:20, but created a sample of every bird for Adam to name out of the dust in Genesis 2:19).

Genesis 1:20 KJV
(20) And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Genesis 2:18-20 KJV
(18) And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
(19) And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
(20) And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

No contradiction for any logical person who is trying to read the story as written, but it remains one of those accusations you will find on the anti-Bible sites, that there are "conflicting accounts of when the animals were created." (Alleging that if the planet was populated with animals on days 4 and 5 than God is incapable of producing naming samples for Adam on day 6).

This also ties in because God's account of creation is in Genesis 1 and Adam's own writing is in Genesis 2.


Active member
Except that Gen. 1 has all the details, while Gen. 2 only focuses on a few aspects, mostly those involving Adam.

Stripe:your only focusing on Gen 2. Try the whole book of Genesis. I have been told that Gen is the real creation which I never agreed with. I have always seen gen 2 as a summary of Gen 1 but some time back I change my mind.

As you say, Gen 1 does have details of Creation however, the interaction of the male and female of(gen 1), the details of living creatures and the vegetation details, etc. in following chapters of how man got started seems to speak of a modern day prologue.

It is of no consequence either way, but it just struck me as a familiar way in modern novels to get the interest of the reader.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have a great weekend ahead.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe:your only focusing on Gen 2.
Not really. Genesis 1 has the great majority of the details. Genesis 2 focuses on a few aspects, mostly linked to when Adam was involved.

I have always seen gen 2 as a summary of Gen 1 but some time back I change my mind.
That's probably for the best. Genesis 2 would be horrible as a summary. For that, look at Exodus 20.

As you say, Gen 1 does have details of Creation however, the interaction of the male and female of(gen 1), the details of living creatures and the vegetation details, etc. in following chapters of how man got started seems to speak of a modern day prologue.
I don't know what that means.

It is of no consequence either way.
OK, then let's stick with my appraisal. :up:

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have a great weekend ahead.

There's none of that where I'm from. But hope yours was good. :)


New member

Gen 1 God created with input from angels.
Gen 2 LORD God alone created Adam from the earth.

Gen 1 God created them, male and female
Gen 2 LORD God created Adam from dust and later on Eve from his bone

Gen 1 God told mankind to go and replenish the earth
Gen 2 LORD God put Adam in a garden

Gen 1 God created the beasts of the earth
Gen 2 LORD God formed every beast of the field

Gen 1 speaks of filling the earth with people, beast, fish and trees for meat.
Gen 2 speaks of placing a man named Adam in a garden called Eden to dress it and keep it. Then LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:

Gen 1 speaks of earth and Gen 2 speaks of a field, a place for domestic animals and then, after looking for a help meet from the females God created in Gen 1 and not finding one, he took a rid from Adam and created Eve.

Entirely different type of people, plants and animals in Gen 1 and Gen 2.

Did you also note, and understand the difference of God in Gen 1 and LORD God in Gen 2?

One has to understand these things or there is confusion, since they can not explain the differences with scripture.

One can have an opinion, but that doesn’t make it true!

Paul confirms two creations in Romans.

Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Rom 9:22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
Rom 9:23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,


New member
Was one of them a flat earth creation? Same lunacy just different claims.

There is most certainly and obviously two creation accounts but there is only one creation. Otherwise, Messiah would have said, Elohim so loved the worlds.


New member
The standard response to the question "Why doesn't Gen 1 and Gen 2 speak identically about creation?" is "It is, but in a different way".

My take on this is "Not true".

What is yours? I ask because this forum is for those that have really studied God's word.

They are not differing accounts of creation. They describe the same creation event and they are both consistent with the order of creation. They do not contradict each other.

here's the explanation:

Genesis 1 covers the over-all creation event (the 6 days and the 7th day of rest).
Genesis 2 covers only one day of creation (6th day) - focusing on that single event.

In Genesis 2 (first chapter), the Author presents the creation of Adam as the highlight of creation.
In the second chapter, the Author gives much more details about the creation of man.

As for the creation of plant life, there is no contradiction either. Hebrew terms for "vegetation" used in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are different.

In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for vegetation refers to vegetation in general.
In Genesis 2, the term refers to a more specific kind of vegetation: vegetation that requires tending (agricultural).

Genesis 1 is about God creating vegetation in general.(Gen 1:11
Genesis 2 talks about God not letting agricultural vegetation to grow without Adam to tend for it.
(Gen 2:5)


New member

Gen 1 God created with input from angels.
Gen 2 LORD God alone created Adam from the earth.

What makes you say He's talking to angels?

It doesn't say anywhere in Genesis 1 that He's talking to angels. Wouldn't that be confusion? :)

Genesis 1 gives the introduction to the Trinity:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (The Father)
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.(The Holy Spirit)
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (The WORD)

No angels mentioned!


New member

Gen 1 God created with input from angels.
Gen 2 LORD God alone created Adam from the earth.

May I add too, that in every creation He makes in Genesis 1, "God said...." is in it.

This is what John 1 means:

John 1
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

See? No confusion! Even the New Testament is consistent with that.

Gen 1 God created them, male and female
Gen 2 LORD God created Adam from dust and later on Eve from his bone

Gen 1 God told mankind to go and replenish the earth
Gen 2 LORD God put Adam in a garden

Gen 1 God created the beasts of the earth
Gen 2 LORD God formed every beast of the field

Gen 1 speaks of filling the earth with people, beast, fish and trees for meat.
Gen 2 speaks of placing a man named Adam in a garden called Eden to dress it and keep it. Then LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:

Gen 1 speaks of earth and Gen 2 speaks of a field, a place for domestic animals and then, after looking for a help meet from the females God created in Gen 1 and not finding one, he took a rid from Adam and created Eve.

Entirely different type of people, plants and animals in Gen 1 and Gen 2.

Did you also note, and understand the difference of God in Gen 1 and LORD God in Gen 2?

One has to understand these things or there is confusion, since they can not explain the differences with scripture.

One can have an opinion, but that doesn’t make it true!

That's been explained in the previous post. Genesis 1 is simply an overall account of creation - culminating in the creation of man. Genesis 2 focuses on the creation of man - giving more details.

Anyway - what are you saying?
There are two different Gods: one is simply called God, and the other Lord God?

God has many Titles, right? For all we know too, "LORD GOD" might be referring to THE WORD (Jesus)!
Check out JOHN 1 again.

The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Lord is also the title given to Jesus.


New member
They are not differing accounts of creation. They describe the same creation event and they are both consistent with the order of creation. They do not contradict each other.

here's the explanation:

Genesis 1 covers the over-all creation event (the 6 days and the 7th day of rest).
Genesis 2 covers only one day of creation (6th day) - focusing on that single event.

In Genesis 2 (first chapter), the Author presents the creation of Adam as the highlight of creation.
In the second chapter, the Author gives much more details about the creation of man.)

I can't see your point that would confirm Gen 1 and Gen 2 as the same. Here are my reasons:

1. Gen 1 God created mankind, male and female.
.........God and LORD God are the same, except God in Gen 1 is creating mankind, in Gen 2 LORD God is forming Adam only.
Professor Michael Heiser is a Hebrew scholar who is married to a Jew and is a teacher on Gen creation. He will tell you that his wife says there are many gods (spirits), but only one LORD God. Why is that? Because when LORD God is used in the bible it means it is speaking of the Covenant God of the Jews. God in Gen 1 is the same to us as LORD God, but the function is different. The function in Gen 1 is creation of mankind, the function of Gen 2 is God making a covenant with Adam, who is the father of the Jews.
Luk 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Again, not created, but formed.

This is not a salvation issue, but it is correct interpretation of scripture.



New member
I can't see your point that would confirm Gen 1 and Gen 2 as the same. Here are my reasons:

1. Gen 1 God created mankind, male and female.
.........God and LORD God are the same, except God in Gen 1 is creating mankind, in Gen 2 LORD God is forming Adam only.
Professor Michael Heiser is a Hebrew scholar who is married to a Jew and is a teacher on Gen creation. He will tell you that his wife says there are many gods (spirits), but only one LORD God. Why is that? Because when LORD God is used in the bible it means it is speaking of the Covenant God of the Jews. God in Gen 1 is the same to us as LORD God, but the function is different. The function in Gen 1 is creation of mankind, the function of Gen 2 is God making a covenant with Adam, who is the father of the Jews.
Luk 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Again, not created, but formed.

This is not a salvation issue, but it is correct interpretation of scripture.

Like I've said, Genesis 2 is more detailed in its narrative about the creation of man.


New member
Originally Posted by iamaberean View Post

Gen 1 God created with input from angels.
Gen 2 LORD God alone created Adam from the earth.

I asked way back - where did it say that God created "with input for angels." Where was any angel mentioned in Genesis 1? I must've missed your answer - if there was an answer to that question.

So, I ask again: where is the part about angels written on Genesis 1?


New member

I'm sorry if I hurt your ego, but your opinion does not outweigh the word of God!

Sorry for seeming to nag at you - I cannot edit my post yet, so I cannot add what comes to mind in my previous post.

But - you made that claim in your post, regarding "outweighing the WORD of GOD."

Therefore, I have to challenge you about your claim regarding Genesis 1, which you say, "God created with input from angels."

Can you please show us which part of Genesis 1 you've read that.


New member
Sorry for seeming to nag at you - I cannot edit my post yet, so I cannot add what comes to mind in my previous post.

But - you made that claim in your post, regarding "outweighing the WORD of GOD."

Therefore, I have to challenge you about your claim regarding Genesis 1, which you say, "God created with input from angels."

Can you please show us which part of Genesis 1 you've read that.

For someone who never quotes scripture, I find it amazing that you would ask me to do so.

As far as it goes for Gen 1, I have made a deduction based on the fact that God could not have been speaking to anyone other than angels when he said.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Who else could it be, if not angels? God is one, and there is no other.
Deu_6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Mar_12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Gal_3:20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.
If you say he was talking to his self, then you are the one who has no scripture to back it up!

Let me add, God did the creating of mankind but he asked for input from the angels. Have you noticed how many different races of people there are?

If you want my answers you will find I give scriptures or a logical response. You have not done so!

I do think you are probably an educated person, but taught from those that are only repeating what they have been taught. My hope is that you would start studying the bible for yourself.