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Yes, I believe that the six day emphasis in the first creation account trumps the single day scenario.Was creation completed in six days?
Yes, I believe that the six day emphasis in the first creation account trumps the single day scenario.Was creation completed in six days?
:AMR:Yes, I believe that the six day emphasis in the first creation account trumps the single day scenario.
Sounds like a weird answer to an even weirder question. Why would you expect Genesis 1 and 2 to give identical recountings?
You're not understanding what has been said. The two accounts contain minor discrepancies.
The first account has plants created on day 3 and man created on day 6. The second creation account has man created first, then vegetation.
Good point.John 1 has a slightly different accounting as well. Is that three different creations?
I watched a video of professor explaining the God head. He was married to a Jewish woman that had told him that 'their are many gods, but only one Jehovah God'.
When we see LORD God in scripture it is the one and only Jehovah God.
Is there even one professedly, highly accurate translation of the Bible that resolves this discrepancy?
Come again?
Genesis 2:5 KJV
(5) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
I wish you would state your assumptions rather than making us guess at why you have such a different conclusion.
Appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy.It is widely agreed that Genesis 2:4 begins a second creation account. You may take that as an axiom.
It is widely agreed that Genesis 2:4 begins a second creation account. You may take that as an axiom.
Malachi 4:4-5 KJV
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
That great and dreadful day of the LORD is described in Revelation with signs and plagues that seem to cover more than twenty four hours. Is that another "contradiction" by your reckoning?
Try to read whole sentences. Genesis 2:4-5 is much easier to understand that way.
The book of Revelation presents the world ending with 3 alternative endings. All three possible scenarios update Old Testament eschatology.
Again.... come again? Do you mean "alternative ending for an individual?" I can think of only two: life, or death.
Have you never heard of movies with alternative endings? I'm referring to endtime scenarios with alternative endings. Why can't you fathom that?
Are you capable of quoting whole sentences? Why don't you?You are already straightly contradicted by chapter two. Plants are in the ground and there are no men.