Have You Been Crucified With Christ?


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Something about Jn 3:16 that is unclear to you? :dizzy: He didn't say part of the world, some of the world. He said--the world. Do a word study on the and world.

Then why does hell exist? If all the sins of the world are paid for, there would be no punishment left to atone for.

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Then why does hell exist? If all the sins of the world are paid for, there would be no punishment left to atone for.

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Hell exists because people have the ability to reject God. God will not force someone to live with Him for all eternity if they do not want to be with Him.

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Which is a sin, right? And that sin has been atoned for, in Christ.....

No, Christ died so that all mankind would have the option of choosing His gift of salvation. If someone doesn't want a gift, and refuses to take it, do you force it upon them?


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Which is a sin, right? And that sin has been atoned for, in Christ.....

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Let me put it this way...

A certain man kidnaps a woman, takes her to his home and locks her in the basement. He feeds her and gives her water. He forces himself upon her. She hates him, because he never gave her the chance to love him or reject him.

Another man finds a woman and woos her, and loves her, and tells her that if she ever wants to leave him, he will not hold it against her. But she submits to him willingly, and eventually he marries her, and brings her to his home. He brings her inside, and she loves him.

Which of those two men do you think God is? Which do you think is perverse and sick and unhealthy?

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New member
Let me put it this way...

A certain man kidnaps a woman, takes her to his home and locks her in the basement. He feeds her and gives her water. He forces himself upon her. She hates him, because he never gave her the chance to love him or reject him.

Another man finds a woman and woos her, and loves her, and tells her that if she ever wants to leave him, he will not hold it against her. But she submits to him willingly, and eventually he marries her, and brings her to his home. He brings her inside, and she loves him.

Which of those two men do you think God is? Which do you think is perverse and sick and unhealthy?

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You are defending my position better than your own. A rejection of God's gift is a sin. Therefore, Christ did not atone for the sins of all. Rather, He sacrificed Himself so that we may be able to enter Heaven. He opened the gates of Heaven. He provided a sacrifice that would extend to those who seek it.

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[:yawn: Tell me all about my love for discussing myself (Eph 4:14). :peach:]
:chz4brnz: Eph 4:14
...and he is Legion...
:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :peach:

And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many [Mark 5:9].

"The answer of this man is baffling but it’s not bad grammar. He says, “My name is …” indicating that the man was trying to speak, but then the demons take over and they say, “We are many.”" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Mark) (electronic ed., Vol. 36, p. 64). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Then why does hell exist? If all the sins of the world are paid for, there would be no punishment left to atone for.

Satan would like men to think there is no hell :listen: because he'd like people to go there. Hell was not prepared for man. It was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). If you insist on going there, you will. Men who refuse to humble themselves before the Lord will go there. 2 Thess 2:10

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Satan would like men to think there is no hell :listen: because he'd like people to go there. Hell was not prepared for man. It was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). If you insist on going there, you will. Men who refuse to humble themselves before the Lord will go there. 2 Thess 2:10

The love of the truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and few there be that find it.


New member
Satan would like men to think there is no hell :listen: because he'd like people to go there. Hell was not prepared for man. It was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). If you insist on going there, you will. Men who refuse to humble themselves before the Lord will go there. 2 Thess 2:10

That didn't answer my question.

Obviously there is a hell. Does hell exist as a place of punishment?

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New member
You are asking the wrong person. Perhaps that is intentional.

I asked the right person. I am simply showing a flaw in logic. If hell exists as a place of eternal punishment for sin, then one cannot logically claim that "Christ died (or atoned for) the sins of the whole world." As Serpentdove did. If a rejection or forsaking of God/Christ is a sin, then according to the logic of "atoned for all sin," one who commits said act would not and could not be condemned to hell, because that sin has been paid for.

A more logical and reasonable conclusion is that Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice. And those who accept this sacrifice are in God's grace. Those who turn from it, reject the sacrifice, thereby placing the weight of their sins on themselves. Christ could not have atoned for the sins of the whole world, because that would negate the existence and necessity of Hell. Yet a sacrifice that is open to those willing to accept and partake in it, would allow, logically and rationally, for the necessity of hell.


...f hell is...punishment for sins,...then one could not say that Christ atoned for the sins of the whole world. If a sin has been atoned for, then there is no need of punishment for it.
Christ died for you (Jn 3:16). You must appropriate that gift (Rom. 5:1).