Has the the Staff of Moses been found?


New member
Wow! You can't even answer a simple question. I'd say you are an Atheist. You sound angry too. I already said that none of this (like the rest of the bible) will make sense to you. This is normal. What you don't realise is that you are Spiritually blinded. May be this will be lifted in the future but at the moment I can see there is no chance of that any time soon. So perhaps you can confirm if you are a believer in the religion of Atheism?
You don't appear to have anything relevant to say about my post. Do you not think that the archeologists at the University of Tel Aviv would be very keen to discover a trace of the exodus?



Well-known member
If the bible is wrong about the scale, how can it be relied on for the event at all? It is the only source of that story.


The only source is our tradition. It is expressed in the Bible, but the Bible itself isn't the source.


New member
The only source is our tradition. It is expressed in the Bible, but the Bible itself isn't the source.
So this is a tradition passed orally for many centuries with written versions recorded earlier than those in the Torah?

It looks to me like an oral tradition centred on the figure of Moses who is a synthesis of leadership but not an historical figure as such, in a similar way that Socrates was a symbolic embodiment of a school of thought but not historical. Is the present thread a case of christians reading the 'Old Testament' literally where Jews might not? Or is it mainstream in Judaism to treat Moses as a real person doing magical deeds with his staff?



Well-known member
So this is a tradition passed orally for many centuries with written versions recorded earlier than those in the Torah?

It looks to me like an oral tradition centred on the figure of Moses who is a synthesis of leadership but not an historical figure as such, in a similar way that Socrates was a symbolic embodiment of a school of thought but not historical. Is the present thread a case of christians reading the 'Old Testament' literally where Jews might not? Or is it mainstream in Judaism to treat Moses as a real person doing magical deeds with his staff?


I don't expect you to accept my people's tradition.

I have an interest in archaeology, and know a few archaeologists. I asked one how many people actually left Egypt. Clearly it was not millions, as the Bible reports. On the other hand, it is a very old and powerful tradition. So it is likely that a few hundreds or thousands left. But there is no way to know for sure.


New member
I don't expect you to accept my people's tradition.

I have an interest in archaeology, and know a few archaeologists. I asked one how many people actually left Egypt. Clearly it was not millions, as the Bible reports. On the other hand, it is a very old and powerful tradition. So it is likely that a few hundreds or thousands left. But there is no way to know for sure.

Midian has never been explored by archeologists. Under Saudi control, it is off limits. Only a few non-Saudis have been able to explore the area; one of them was a Korean who was the personal physician of the crown prince.
Nuweiba Beach, Sinai, Egypt could easily encamp 3 million for a short period of time. That is the location where the Gulf of Aqaba is shallowest.


New member
I don't expect you to accept my people's tradition.

I have an interest in archaeology, and know a few archaeologists. I asked one how many people actually left Egypt. Clearly it was not millions, as the Bible reports. On the other hand, it is a very old and powerful tradition. So it is likely that a few hundreds or thousands left. But there is no way to know for sure.
But you don't expect me to believe this, right? What is the status of the historicity of this in your experience of modern belief in Judaism? I imagine 'secular Jews' are with me. But is there a range of belief from 'zero left' up to 'it was literally millions'?



Well-known member
You don't appear to have anything relevant to say about my post. Do you not think that the archeologists at the University of Tel Aviv would be very keen to discover a trace of the exodus?


Hello Stuart, are you able to have a conversation? Yes or no?


Well-known member
Midian has never been explored by archeologists. Under Saudi control, it is off limits. Only a few non-Saudis have been able to explore the area; one of them was a Korean who was the personal physician of the crown prince.
Nuweiba Beach, Sinai, Egypt could easily encamp 3 million for a short period of time. That is the location where the Gulf of Aqaba is shallowest.

Ron Wyatt discovered all these before anyone in the 1980's, please give him the credit and God who lead him to them. He discovered Nuweiba beach, the real Mount Sinai and many more Biblical sites. After him the Caldwell family followed in his foot steps during the 1980's:

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New member
Ron Wyatt discovered all these before anyone in the 1970's, please give him the credit and God who lead him to them. He discovered Nuweiba beach, the real Mount Sinai and many more Biblical sites. After him the Caldwell family followed in his foot steps during the 1980's

Larry Williams & Bob Cornuke did the very best archeological research in the early 2000s. They were arrested, but miraculously escaped. A movie deal has been offered concerning their ordeal.



Well-known member
Larry Williams & Bob Cornuke did the very best archeological research in the early 2000s. They were arrested, but miraculously escaped. A movie deal has been offered concerning their ordeal.

Ron first went there in January 1984 which is before 2000! Doh!

Bob CON-U-OK-HE is a charlatan trying to make money off Ron's discoveries.



New member
Ron first went there in January 1984 which is before 2000!
Unless you live in a cave, you would know that high-tech consumer equipment, like portable video, wasn't even available in the '70s. The Caldwell's work 1992 was far superior to Wyatt.
Ron Wyatt is a charlatan. Derek Walker is a charlatan that makes money off selling books (43).
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Well-known member
Unless you live in a cave, you would know that high-tech consumer equipment, like portable video, wasn't even available in the '70s. The Caldwell's work was far superior to Wyatt.
Ron Wyatt is a charlatan. Derek Walker is a charlatan that makes money off selling books (43).

1984! Here is the video footage for the second time. Oh that's right you don't need to watch any video's because you rely on your imagination:

By the way apart from being a liar and a con-artist Bob Corny murdered a man in the 1980's and has admitted on video forging visas but they're just facts so don't let that put you off.


New member
By the way apart from being a liar and a con-artist Bob Corny murdered a man in the 1980's and has admitted on video forging visas but they're just facts so don't let that put you off.
hahahahahahahahaha Did your guru Derek Walker tell you that? It seems you have a propensity for fables and those that make money by perpetuating them. How much money have you sent to Derek Walker?


Well-known member
hahahahahahahahaha Did your guru Derek Walker tell you that? It seems you have a propensity for fables and those that make money by perpetuating them. How much money have you sent to Derek Walker?

No surprise you do not know this either, you think 2000 comes before 1984.
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New member
Well whenever your ready to spend 20 seconds telling me what you believe, please let us know.
Given that you wrote this:
Wow! You can't even answer a simple question. I'd say you are an Atheist. You sound angry too. I already said that none of this (like the rest of the bible) will make sense to you. This is normal. What you don't realise is that you are Spiritually blinded. May be this will be lifted in the future but at the moment I can see there is no chance of that any time soon. So perhaps you can confirm if you are a believer in the religion of Atheism?
...you seem to think you are in a better position to tell me what I believe than I am to tell you.

There, that took 20 seconds to type.
