ECT Has Jesus' authority been usurped by MAD has MAD placed ALL authority in Paul ?


Well-known member
What was revealed to Paul had already been revealed to the other Apostles as evidenced by Acts 2 ( over 3000 folks added to the body ) and Acts 4 ( where 5000 were added to the B.O.C.), and all of those saved BEFORE Paul even got saved !

You do know there is a difference between the assembly (church), and the body of Christ, don't you?

Do you think all those people who attend a church are members of the body of Christ?


New member
You do know there is a difference between the assembly (church), and the body of Christ, don't you?

Do you think all those people who attend a church are members of the body of Christ?

NO,sadly not all that attend church are saved. Those that are saved have all been saved through and by Jesus.


New member
So your answer is, there was nothing revealed to Paul that had not already been revealed to at least the 12?

Luk 16:31
And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.