john w[olfaganda] if we do not understand the doctrines perfectly we cannot be saved.andycained believes this, you deceiver-ette:
"We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation…"-him
And your assertion that he is saved, testifies that you also believe the above, including his statements/"argument," that one must "turn fron their sins...stop sinning," in order to be saved.
Thus, you, like him, pervert the gospel of Christ, and I, as charged, have marked/exposed/identified you as such, as a wolf-ette, in sheep-ette's clothing.
Your testimony should be that you turned to Christ and He dealt with your sins, not that you still walk in them.
Where is the new man? when did you rise to walk in newness of life? where is the imparted divine nature.....john w[olfman] has no answer