New member
I am simply me. All other info you will surely find out as you get to know me. Feel free to ask.
I am simply me. All other info you will surely find out as you get to know me. Feel free to ask.
Interesting. I am me as well. So what brings us … I mean you, to TOL?I am simply me. All other info you will surely find out as you get to know me. Feel free to ask.
The bells just rung and you go for the quick knockout. Seriously, DeeperStill has only mad one post so far. I think you scared him/her off.
DeeperStill, seriously, AMR is one of the smartest people on TOL, but he's not THE smartest. If he was, he wouldn't be a Presbyterian!But he is my friend and I love him like a brother; a smarter wiser brother.
What brings me here?
I really do not remember. I was surfing the competition and ran across the link in a Google search. I read the rules and had to think a little bit before I decided to risk the joining.
My initial thought that I could join and just not post anything I didn't wish to give up rights to. ( Terms of service), Or I could leave.
I decided to join but not say anything here that I may wish to post on my own site.
So.... when I can post a link , I will post the important stuff on my blog and just tell you all to go read it there
What brings me here?
I really do not remember. I was surfing the competition and ran across the link in a Google search. I read the rules and had to think a little bit before I decided to risk the joining.
My initial thought that I could join and just not post anything I didn't wish to give up rights to. ( Terms of service), Or I could leave.
I decided to join but not say anything here that I may wish to post on my own site.
So.... when I can post a link , I will post the important stuff on my blog and just tell you all to go read it there