Green Energy


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yay! 🥳

Green energy that I can get behind!

Saskatchewan, Ontario to roll out mini-nuclear reactors​

The GEH zero-emission reactors – each with enough power to fuel more than 200,000 homes - could be deployed by 2030s

Until it's mini enough to fit in----and power----a passenger car; not, interested. ;)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You're waiting for the Mr Fusion to come on the market aren't you? 😂
Fusion? lol no. I'm waiting for something realistic. Just a tiny little fission reactor. Probably self-contained, and disposable, after about 20 years of use.

Can't wait!

Right Divider

Body part
Yay! 🥳

Green energy that I can get behind!

Saskatchewan, Ontario to roll out mini-nuclear reactors​

The GEH zero-emission reactors – each with enough power to fuel more than 200,000 homes - could be deployed by 2030s

Nuclear energy is the safest and greenest energy. Makes you wonder why there is so much opposition to it. Perhaps there's a hidden agenda...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The real-world consequences of green extremism​

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Buttigieg: High Gas Prices Are Part of a Plan to Push Us Into EVs​

Unsurprisingly, the Biden administration’s push for high gas prices is meant to force the peasants into expensive EV cars.
Unfortunately, we could end up with a shortage of electricity and charging stations after the Left destroys fossil fuels. These leftists don’t want you in cars.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who couldn’t even fix potholes as mayor, admits that the administration’s push for exorbitant gasoline prices is part of the energy agenda to force people into purchasing electric vehicles. He says you’ll have a higher car payment but won’t pay for gasoline.
The plan has been obvious, but now the Left is admitting it.



Well-known member
Fusion? lol no. I'm waiting for something realistic. Just a tiny little fission reactor. Probably self-contained, and disposable, after about 20 years of use.

Can't wait!
Yeah ! Just throw it in the trash and let them take the deteriorating nuclear fuel to the local dump ! :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"That answer is scientifically false"

Ted Cruz on the difference between the scientific answer and the political answer. As a scientist I regret that he didn't go further and equate the scientific answer with intelligence and the political answer with retardation.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Gee if only an American president had warned Europe about energy Independence

The lights are going out across Europe​

The EU’s plan for mandatory gas rationing is utterly terrifying.
The lights are going out across Europe

The EU’s 27 member states – all modern, advanced industrialised economies, some among the richest in the world – are about to start rationing their energy supplies. This week, at an extraordinary summit, EU members agreed to a European Commission proposal to slash their gas use by a punishing 15 per cent over the next eight months. From August 2022 to March 2023, the lamps will, quite literally, be going out all over Europe.

The immediate spur for this is the prospect of Russia limiting or even cutting off supplies of gas to the EU. According to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, even this worst-case, nightmare scenario is ‘likely’. European leaders were particularly spooked earlier this month when the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, which supplies Russian gas to Germany, had to be shut down for 10 days for repairs. They were afraid it would never reopen.

The EU’s punishing plan is designed to get Europe through the winter, should the Russians do the unthinkable and turn off the taps completely. If the crisis deepens, voluntary gas cuts could become mandatory. The European Commission of unelected technocrats has also explored the use of emergency protocols which could block any country from exercising a veto on mandatory gas cuts and would also prevent the European Parliament from having a say.

As Politico reported in the run-up to this week’s summit, European governments were ‘being asked to sign over their right to energy sovereignty’, in Brussels’ ‘most far-reaching power grab’ yet. And with some exemptions – for nations not connected to the EU’s gas and electricity networks – this is exactly what has happened. European countries now face crippling energy cuts – first self-inflicted, then potentially imposed by Brussels.
