Granite said:
I don't "ignore" it, Nineveh. I disagree with it. Since when is a disagreement over a conclusion actually "ignoring" something?
Taphas can mean any number of things according to Strong's, including
Piney's concordance gives the same meanings: "manipulate, i. e. seize; chiefly to capture." This does not sound consenting or like much fun for the lady involved. When a guy in a field catches and takes a woman by surprise, we normally call that rape.
Oh, and you left out: "to use unwarrantably" (Not justifiable; inexcusable) such as having sex outside of marriage. Put all together, it appears we are talking about
seduction not
seduction: enticing someone astray from right behavior
Whereas in Deuteronomy 22:25 the word used is "chazaq" which we interpret as
rape. Two different words there granite. There must be a reason for it.
Once again, I expect you will ignore it, even when the Bible calls for the death penalty for rapists.
Wife beating, segregation, and racism were all condoned by the church,
Geewiz granite. When are you going to come to the conclusion men don't have the authority to define morality? Church does not mean God. It never has. Both you and zakath can't seem to get it straight in your minds. Is it that you just really don;t understand it or is this another case of you ignoring the obvious?
supported with scripture, and endorsed by good Christian folk.
So at one point in time they certainly were "moral" stances to take.
I guess you can ignore where we all come from the same parents too. Makes it sort of hard to justify segregation and racism doesn't it?
But, fortunately, the morality changed.
The morality in Scripture
never changed, it held to the fact we all came from the same parents
When looking for evil in Scripture, you keep accidentally pointing to men who like to think they can make morality up as they go.
If this is true who is to say it's not you who is actually on the wrong side, this time?
If what is true? That the Bible has called for the death penalty since Noah and SCotUs flip flopped? Or that the Bible maintains we all came from the same parents?