Synergism is not man acting on his own.
Faith is a noun, and acting is a verb; so acting isn't in view here.
Still waiting for clarification.
I'm a Reconciliationist, who applies lexical and exegetical truth to all false binaries of doctrine. I've clarified at length the issues with substituting verbs for nouns and English difficulties in translating Greek noun forms. You just refuse to listen and understand.
Calvinists assert that only the elect 'hear'.
And I assert that (the verb) hearing isn't (the noun) hearing. You still ignore everything I outlined and its simple profundity.
Synergism has already been mentioned.
I know. And it's impossible. Synergism is a mutal contingency. God's incommunicable attribute of Necessity means He is non-contingent.
You still think nouns are verbs, evidently. Faith is a noun. Nouns aren't synergistic as action.
Please explain God's election then.
Why not start with basic lexicography?
Eklektos means chosen, elect; and it comes from eklegomai. Eklegomai is from ek (out of/from) and lego (to speak intelligently; logos comes from lego); to choose, select, choose for oneself (not necessarily implying the rejection of what is not chosen but giving favor to the chosen subject, keeping in view the relation to be established between him and the object. It involved preference and choice from among many. (from Spiros Zodhiates)
Election is literally choosing for oneself by that which comes out of/from one's logos. Refer back to my previous comments on Epistemology. The will is the stretching forth of the mind (in tension) toward the object as subject. Only a renewed mind could choose God. And man's boule/boulema/boulomai (will) is not God's thelo/thelema (will). Did you know there is a vast difference in God's will and man's will?
Rather, your presupposition of Calvinism (or the equivalent) has led you to your position.
No. First, I'm not a Calvinist; and second, I was an Arminian for 28 years. Then I was saved. But the real problem is you assume you have no presuppositional position AND that I've not spent two decades divesting myself of mine and reconciling all positions.
I spent time outlining the grammatical difficulties in simple terms. You just blew that off and went on your way.
I assert God's sovereignty. I also believe that your position regarding man's inability to choose makes god's creation totally worthless. I challenge you to show otherwise.
Why would you challenge me to show the inverse of what you've merely declared from your non-exegetical conceptualizations? You want to usurp God's sovereignty and verb your way to salvation. Faith is a noun. Salavation is in the noun.
Already debunked your false presuppositions from this passage.
All is an anarthrous adjectival noun. If you knew what Greek anarthrous nouns were, you wouldn't proof-text this passage for your fallacious self-salvation.
I suppose you're referring specifically to v4? Every noun, predicate, and adjective in that verse is an anarthrous construct except the articular participle believeth. "Every one" is anarthrous. And pisteuo as an articular participle refutes what you're attempting to argue.
Englishizers are just maddening. You think English glosses determine in arrears what the Greek text is saying from your own modern conceptualizations.
If you came to only a handful of comparative language sessions, you'd be stabbing yourself in the eye with an ink pen in no time over your beligerent contentiousness in ignorance.
Since "before the foundation of the world..." is scriptural, why would you have a problem with it?
Are you speaking of Revelation 13:8? 1Peter 1:20?
In Rev. 13:8, it's "slain from (apo) the foundation of the world", and apo does not mean before. It governs the genitive and expresses what is strictly the idea of the genitive case. It means from in a very specific sense.
In 1Peter 1:20, it's "foreordained before (pro) the foundation of the world", and pro again governs the genitive and is used of both place and time. It indicates precedence and preference, among other facets of meaning.
For a timeless God, there is no "when"; so there is no "before" in the strictest sense. Anything that alludes to such is figurative by degree.
Please define what the 'many problems' are.
There's not room in this venue. And you haven't bothered to learn the basics of nouns versus verbs that I spent time outlining.
Since you are the one claiming you have the understanding then you should explain why that is so.
I've done so on the most basic level of providing an excursus on nouns and verbs, and a brief look at Greek anarthrous nouns. Since you've ignored that, I don't think further explanation would be anything but a waste of my time, and it would make you further accountable for something you still reject. And you insist God needs your Synergistic assistance to save you.
Faith is a noun. Nouns aren't verbs. If we are saved by faith, then it isn't our believing (the verb) that saves us. And it certainly isn't our own volition TO do the action of believing that saves us.
Your Pelagianism makes God as Creator worthless. But more than that, it makes you an anti-exegete who debates lexicography and grammar with concepts of your own mind (noema). Noema is rendered devices. We're not to be ignorant of Satan's devices. Unfortunately, you are. But you're far from alone. Sigh.