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Well, I'm not going to watch that because I have a policy of not studying error.
Eh? You said 'quit nagging'.
Well, I'm not going to watch that because I have a policy of not studying error.
Then the Holy Spirit is guilty of tautology here:
Romans 5:29
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
'Foreknew' and 'predestined' are distinct words.
Eh? You said 'quit nagging'.
As much as I love people that hammer thang and company it isn't going to change their opinions. They are building with wood hay stubble and what they think is serving Yeshua will be burned at the bema seat.
Jesus will not return until Israel asks Him to return. Even tho I know you know this is an accurate statement, why is it that you haven't heard it said recently or ever?
But in context they go together.
He foreknew or pre planned and He predestined them to be conformed to the image... Predestined here is giving details about foreknowledge. I think.
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It is possible that God foreknew those that would believe and predetermined to bless them with such conforming - very much like Ephesians 1:3ff
The predetermining is focussed on the blessings for those in Christ - not on who those folk will be. If it it's the latter then honesty demands that Paul and the apostles preached such a Gospel - but they didn't.
That may sound biblical but it can not be such because if God looked down into the future from eternity past and decided to save me and you because he knew we would choose Him then He owed it to us based upon our taking the first step toward Him.
We who are the elect of God from before time began were members of those who were slaves to sin, slaves to Satan, already condemned and heading for hell. God decided that He would save some from out of the mass of humanity who were dead in sins. Others He simply passed over. Therefore my dear snonit, we magnify the grace of God all the more.
My favorite way to share the gospel! As Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness...
God cannot be traduced.
Infants died in the flood.
For the sake of argument, to call that unjust is to accuse the creator of iniquity. But this accusation is from the creature's perspective and based on human emotions.
The proper view for the elect is to glorify God because He did not need to save anyone but the fact that He has is the outworking of God's love, grace, and mercy.
Which is de facto disingenuous preaching if you hold that not all have access.
Noah was found to be righteous. He had faith.
Your view is that God's provision wasn't abundant. Scripture says something quite different.
I want no part with such a God, thanks.
That's understandable. I'm human too. But scripture is my final authority on all affairs concerning mankind not my conscience.
Again, children and infants died in the flood. Savages from the South Pacific isles lived and died and entered hell without ever once hearing of Adam and Eve or the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
If you need help understanding these facts I'm here to serve buddy.
When the bible talks about the foreknowledge of God it doesn't mean He knew what we would do, it means God pre planned the events to come to pass.
That's understandable. I'm human too. But scripture is my final authority on all affairs concerning mankind not my conscience.
Again, children and infants died in the flood. Savages from the South Pacific isles lived and died and entered hell without ever once hearing of Adam and Eve or the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
If you need help understanding these facts I'm here to serve buddy.
Your conscience is from God is it not? Romans 2:14ff
How do you know they went to hell and had never heard from God? Romans 2:14ff
Appreciated but I would say that your particular Gospel facilitates disbelief in Jesus from my perspective.
Your perspective is from un-belief in Christ, correct? There is only one Gospel and from your own words, you have rejected it. Correct me if I'm wrong.Appreciated but I would say that your particular Gospel facilitates disbelief in Jesus from my perspective.
Your perspective is from un-belief in Christ, correct?
There is only one Gospel and from your own words, you have rejected it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Which is de facto disingenuous preaching if you hold that not all have access.
Noah was found to be righteous. He had faith.
Your view is that God's provision wasn't abundant. Scripture says something quite different.
I want no part with such a God, thanks.
I'm still in the process of evaluating it.