Gorilla Lives Matter


Well-known member
my op:

theo reported the op with the comment "pure racism"

Reported Post by theophilus

theophilus has reported a post.


Pure racism.

theo - care to expand on that?

exactly what about my post do you see as "pure racism"?

Everything is racist or sexist or some such garbage. Gone are the days where our every word is not judged by the politically correct. It's actually a bit amusing.....


Well-known member
no :duh:

of course

are you aware that there's a furor on social media over this, that people are screaming for blood because the gorilla was killed?

no, I don't think so - they did the same thing to that dentist who shot the lion last year, and he was white

I think it stems from an insanity in our culture that devalues all human life

it finds it's most odious expression in abortion

but I understand why it's easy for you to cry "racism"

I had no problem understanding your OP. Course, I haven't entered into Liberal Land yet. :chuckle:

It's amazing how many times I've had to explain about the danger that little boy faced to the tree huggers where I live. Even when I ask them if it was their little boy....they block that out of their consciousness. It's a great liberal trick and one I refuse to master. ;)


Well-known member
As much as I can put together from the "news:"

The mother and the son were arguing about the son's threats to go into the enclosure for several minutes.

The son went into the enclosure.

The mother called 911.

The gorilla was killed and the son was rescued.

What SHOULD have happened:

The mother SHOULD have taken her son away from the gorilla enclosure and whipped his butt. Instead she stood there and argued with a 4 year old (how stupid is that?) until he made good on his threat.

No clue about the father's whereabouts but he SHOULD have gone into the enclosure to save his son.

After saving the son the mother SHOULD have been thrown into the enclosure.

Instead, people milled around the enclosure until someone showed up and killed the gorilla.

And yes, I hate it when people are STOOPID and an animal dies.
I hate it when people are STOOPID and another human dies.

And the pic Nick M. posted is only half of the pair that were emailed together as humor. My uncle sent me the pics and the "joke."


Had she "whipped his butt", some bleeding heart would have turned her in to Child Protective Services.

The zoo should have had a better enclosure. They have since rectified that situation. I'm just glad they shot the gorilla. IMHO

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Does the serial killer (mass murderer) think black lives matter?


If you need context, he was sentenced to death. And for a change, I feel for the grieving father who wants justice now. His child was murdered by the man laughing.


Well-known member
1. How many other kids climbed over that same gorilla fence?

2. We're told the border fence, such as it is, is fully intact and totally protective of our border even though every minute of every day, criminals burrow under, cut through, climb over and in some spots casually walk around the fence. Yet we're assured it's fully operational. So by that measure, the gorilla fence is also fully operational and does not need fixing.