Google's self righteous nazis


New member
For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.


Hall of Fame
Ironic how, when accused of intolerance and silencing of all opposing views, they fire a man for holding an opposing view.

All they did was prove him right.

Are you speaking of a specific incident? And .... don't you believe that businesses have the right to fire and hire as they see fit?


Well-known member
Are you speaking of a specific incident?

Yes, I am. An employee was fired recently (within the past week, I think) for writing this:

And .... don't you believe that businesses have the right to fire and hire as they see fit?

Yes, definitely. But perhaps you will agree that the case above shows definite hypocrisy.
Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's right.

On a side note, if it can be shown that the former employee was indeed exposing illegal hiring practices at the company, then it may be the case that whistle-blower laws make his firing illegal.


New member
My point is that this manager who fired this employee is typical of a new morality.

All the employees who called for his head are also part of it, but the manager is part of a group of people who invented it in the first place.

When you earn a ton of money and find yourself endowed with newfound power, you can end up with serious guilt problems. Instead of relieving that guilt by giving your life over to charitable works and not taking advantage of your power (God's righteousness), you make yourself feel better by inventing your own morality. You also seek out other rich, powerful people or the in-crowd to find a common morality among them. It also helps if this morality is at odds with God's written righteousness. This new morality is called political correctness or social justice. The actual code has morphed over time and tweaked here and there and forced upon the masses through their favored supreme Court justices and various federal judges.

If you abide by this new morality then you will be accepted by the in-crowd and you make sure they know you are moral through what is known as virtue signalling , a practice perfected by SJW snowflakes.

This is the perfect system for those who hate God and yet struggle with nagging built. You can be rich and powerful and enforce your new found morality among those with outdated morality and beliefs such as the belief that men and women are fundamentally different.

If you enforce your morality enough, you can create a two class system by keeping only those who agree with you employed in well paying jobs.

This is exactly what this manager did and the effect will be to keep the Information technology business a close-knit environment of only SJW folks. Those who are not must keep their mouth shut and give a pretense of being a SJW themselves.


New member
My point is that this manager who fired this employee is typical of a new morality.

All the employees who called for his head are also part of it, but the manager is part of a group of people who invented it in the first place.

When you earn a ton of money and find yourself endowed with newfound power, you can end up with serious guilt problems. Instead of relieving that guilt by giving your life over to charitable works and not taking advantage of your power (God's righteousness), you make yourself feel better by inventing your own morality. You also seek out other rich, powerful people or the in-crowd to find a common morality among them. It also helps if this morality is at odds with God's written righteousness. This new morality is called political correctness or social justice. The actual code has morphed over time and tweaked here and there and forced upon the masses through their favored supreme Court justices and various federal judges.

If you abide by this new morality then you will be accepted by the in-crowd and you make sure they know you are moral through what is known as virtue signalling , a practice perfected by SJW snowflakes.

This is the perfect system for those who hate God and yet struggle with nagging built. You can be rich and powerful and enforce your new found morality among those with outdated morality and beliefs such as the belief that men and women are fundamentally different.

If you enforce your morality enough, you can create a two class system by keeping only those who agree with you employed in well paying jobs.

This is exactly what this manager did and the effect will be to keep the Information technology business a close-knit environment of only SJW folks. Those who are not must keep their mouth shut and give a pretense of being a SJW themselves.

Perfectly Apt description of The Trump Organization/Administration.

And here I had given up all hope on you :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8


Well-known member
Perfectly Apt description of The Trump Organization/Administration.

And here I had given up all hope on you :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8

So do you think Google did the right thing or what?
And should they hire (and not hire) people based on race and gender?

The Barbarian

The engineer in question made a fatal mistake. He attributed the disparity in sexes in tech companies to biological factors. There's no scientific evidence whatever for that belief. For example, the "math gap" he assumed was biological, varies widely by nation; in some nations, girls do better than boys in math.

He probably would have gotten away with it, except he did it on company resources, making it a workplace issue.

That being said, I wouldn't have fired him, although it probably would be wise to make sure he didn't have any supervisor or management duties.

Imterestingly, his PhD in biology from Harvard abruptly disappeared from his website. Not sure what that's all about.


New member
The engineer in question made a fatal mistake. He attributed the disparity in sexes in tech companies to biological factors. There's no scientific evidence whatever for that belief. For example, the "math gap" he assumed was biological, varies widely by nation; in some nations, girls do better than boys in math.

He probably would have gotten away with it, except he did it on company resources, making it a workplace issue.

That being said, I wouldn't have fired him, although it probably would be wise to make sure he didn't have any supervisor or management duties.

Imterestingly, his PhD in biology from Harvard abruptly disappeared from his website. Not sure what that's all about.

I'm reminded of a woman I once observed during a gathering of some Pastors, each of whom were very, very well versed in the Bible.

A meeting had ended and so they stuck around for a while, as they were from different parts of the world and wanted to compare notes with one another on what each's thoughts, understandings on one passage or another, might be.

The woman is walking by, when one of the Pastors calls her over towards addressing some question she had asked him earlier.

Next thing everyone knew, she was asking very profound questions about some things, and sharing her just as sharp perspective on other things, as well as any of them.

I've run into other females just as sharp (some even way sharper than most men) over the years.

TOL is no exception.

Rom. 5:8


New member
I'm reminded of a woman I once observed during a gathering of some Pastors, each of whom were very, very well versed in the Bible.

A meeting had ended and so they stuck around for a while, as they were from different parts of the world and wanted to compare notes with one another on what each's thoughts, understandings on one passage or another, might be.

The woman is walking by, when one of the Pastors calls her over towards addressing some question she had asked him earlier.

Next thing everyone knew, she was asking very profound questions about some things, and sharing her just as sharp perspective on other things, as well as any of them.

I've run into other females just as sharp (some even way sharper than most men) over the years.

TOL is no exception.

Rom. 5:8
And this has what bearing on the Google employee email?


Well-known member
Barbarian said "He attributed the disparity in sexes in tech companies to biological factors. "

Please show where in his email where he said that.

And this has what bearing on the Google employee email?

I'd be interested to read a response to these two posts, especially the first.

Also, the employees did not make a "mistake" (as Barbarian claimed) in communicating his concerns using a company resource. If I understand correctly, he was using a forum in which employees are encouraged to openly discuss issues they have with policy and procedure.


Google's self righteous nazis

Once again conservatives find themselves on the wrong side of a human rights issue!

Apparently Google already had a bad reputation for its treatment of women, and this comment reaffirmed many of their complaints.

There appears to be some attempts to change the corporate culture - given that women constitute 50% of the labor pool and 50% of potential customers!

Employers have expectations that employees will not deliberately subject them to public embarrassment!