Good News: Non-Christians, too, are in the Body of Christ!!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey... Samie is cool in my book.

As for the "Wait and see".............

What has two thumbs......

Oops, repetitive.

Just saying that's on my Bucket List too now. [emoji1]

Who knows, Grosnick,

I think your hard wit and sarcasm are growing on me.

You might just make my not worried about you list. [emoji12]

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You have plenty to worry about with friends like Sammie.


Good News: Non-Christians, too, are in the Body of Christ!!!

You have plenty to worry about with friends like Sammie.

Watch out, if you keep on speaking with me, your good reputation will disappear. [emoji6]

I'm the one the Pharisees tell people to stay away from.

Well, they were more adamant about JC, but I'm working on it. [emoji846]

............ Quick, honest compliment......

I'm thankful you understand the old and the new wine!

You would think that people can see it with all the words about the two covenants dominating the entire NT.

I'm glad that you're on the side of pure gospel grace.

It's an uphill battle every since Jesus said "It is Finished."

So, I guess I'm saying, it's good to know your wit and intellect are sharpened by the Grace of Christ to the glory of the Father, and the edification of the Holy Spirit.


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However, there may be hope for you in the future. We'll place it on a "Wait and see" basis.

This "wait and see" stuff, I don't know. Alright, then. Let's say you're ready to give it up for Pope Francis, that Muslims have the same God, that Kenneth Copeland needs more jets, and who are we to judge practicing homosexuals? (After all, haven't a lot of them simply been called Father, for as long as choir boys can remember?) I could go as far as to drag the Hindus under the big tent, Sateria and Voodoo, which are not much different than mainstream Catholicism, anyway, Theosophy, liberals, Aleister Crowley, O.J. Simpson, Ishtar, Zeus and Neptune. But "wait and see" around here? I could maybe go along with, "wait a long time, only don't hold your breath." But that's the best I can do, in terms of TOL.

We have to draw the line somewhere. On the other hand, it does seem to me NamelessInGrace is a nice enough guy, as evidenced by your giving him an especially hard time. With regard to picking friends, you should perhaps consider we're all just slumming, let he who is without a login cast the first stone, and, actually, what is most frightening is being liked around here, if you believe the Bible. I'd feel the need to repent, if some people thanked me, perish the thought they'd express any agreement, which would be undeniable proof of being backslidden.

By the way, just one more thing.... You do realize Grosnick Marowbe, spelled backwards, is Kcinsorg Ebworam, don't you, that one can hardly tell the difference? Oh! And almost forgot, KE. I had your $20 ready, but the dog ate it.


This "wait and see" stuff, I don't know. Alright, then. Let's say you're ready to give it up for Pope Francis, that Muslims have the same God, that Kenneth Copeland needs more jets, and who are we to judge practicing homosexuals? (After all, haven't a lot of them simply been called Father, for as long as choir boys can remember?) I could go as far as to drag the Hindus under the big tent, Sateria and Voodoo, which are not much different than mainstream Catholicism, anyway, Theosophy, liberals, Aleister Crowley, O.J. Simpson, Ishtar, Zeus and Neptune. But "wait and see" around here? I could maybe go along with, "wait a long time, only don't hold your breath." But that's the best I can do, in terms of TOL.

We have to draw the line somewhere. On the other hand, it does seem to me NamelessInGrace is a nice enough guy, as evidenced by your giving him an especially hard time. With regard to picking friends, you should perhaps consider we're all just slumming, let he who is without a login cast the first stone, and, actually, what is most frightening is being liked around here, if you believe the Bible. I'd feel the need to repent, if some people thanked me, perish the thought they'd express any agreement, which would be undeniable proof of being backslidden.

By the way, just one more thing.... You do realize Grosnick Marowbe, spelled backwards, is Kcinsorg Ebworam, don't you, that one can hardly tell the difference? Oh! And almost forgot, KE. I had your $20 ready, but the dog ate it.


I'm giving you a thank because you made me smile! Also, you write extremely well. You can't make a post without it being a book with substance.

Um, not to mess up your angle, but in 48 hours, Kcinsorg Ebworam's $20 dollars will be back.


Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary
I'm giving you a thank because you made me smile! Also, you write extremely well. You can't make a post without it being a book with substance.

Um, not to mess up your angle, but in 48 hours, Kcinsorg Ebworam's $20 dollars will be back.

That is very kind of you, and our Lord bless you! Somebody did once say my Mama didn't raise any fools, though that was before I was born. I think it was my birthday, and it came up in some discussion I overheard about how wrong people can be, or something similar people were muttering under their breath.

Since he never exactly said what currency, I do plan on giving Kcinsorg his $20 someday. Didn't Zimbabwe also call them dollars? (Note to self: check eBay for Zimbabwe currency.) Or should I wait for the Federal Reserve to muck things up? I have been negotiating to send him a prommisory note to write him a promissory note. Like most discussions around here, he does seem intent on complicating simple things. But like we seldom get around to the truth, I can live with that, seeing it involves $20, has some profit in it.

I guess it's inaccurate to compare this matter of the $20 to anything that goes on around here. Never mind.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This "wait and see" stuff, I don't know. Alright, then. Let's say you're ready to give it up for Pope Francis, that Muslims have the same God, that Kenneth Copeland needs more jets, and who are we to judge practicing homosexuals? (After all, haven't a lot of them simply been called Father, for as long as choir boys can remember?) I could go as far as to drag the Hindus under the big tent, Sateria and Voodoo, which are not much different than mainstream Catholicism, anyway, Theosophy, liberals, Aleister Crowley, O.J. Simpson, Ishtar, Zeus and Neptune. But "wait and see" around here? I could maybe go along with, "wait a long time, only don't hold your breath." But that's the best I can do, in terms of TOL.

We have to draw the line somewhere. On the other hand, it does seem to me NamelessInGrace is a nice enough guy, as evidenced by your giving him an especially hard time. With regard to picking friends, you should perhaps consider we're all just slumming, let he who is without a login cast the first stone, and, actually, what is most frightening is being liked around here, if you believe the Bible. I'd feel the need to repent, if some people thanked me, perish the thought they'd express any agreement, which would be undeniable proof of being backslidden.

By the way, just one more thing.... You do realize Grosnick Marowbe, spelled backwards, is Kcinsorg Ebworam, don't you, that one can hardly tell the difference? Oh! And almost forgot, KE. I had your $20 ready, but the dog ate it.

Permit me to explain a few drastic explanations? The name "Kcinsorg Ebworam" comes from an ancient dead language known as, "Onwaycaleestra Naparteeness." It has not been spoken for ten thousand years and cannot be found in any Dictionary, library or even on Google search. Now that we got that out of the way, let's dissect what you just posted, shall we?

The fact is, Kenneth Copeland has a personal Jet and his explanation is easily understood. He has stated: Public airline Jets are, "Large tubes filled with demons, drug addicts and a number of very angry Curmudgeons and malcontents" who are continually approaching him and interrupting his concentration. Therefore, it was, of necessity, for him to find another mode of transportation. His multi-million dollar personal Jet was the correct answer to his dilemma. He even has his pilot's license and is able to fly his Jet himself. I must admit at this point, I elaborated a few of the essentials in order to hold the attention of the viewing audience. I believe it's called, "Poetic Licence?"

You also brought up, O.J. Simpson, Ishtar, Zeus and Neptune, Homer Strut Caste, Errol Flynn, Vincent Price and Lon Chaney Jr. which have, ALL things in common. I saw right away the correlation between these prominent men of history and fully understand why you chose such an esteemed grouping of individuals. I might add, I too would have chosen these exact, persons of interest. So, I see we have a distinct "Meeting of the Minds" on this issue. As far as the $20.00 goes, I'll Never borrow $20.00 from you again. The reason being, you brought this personal issue out before an audience of hundreds, perhaps thousands of persons that, need not be privy to my personal business. This was totally unforgivable and somewhat of an embarrassment to my unblemished integrity. Be self-assured, I'll be PMing you later to discuss this egregious breach of confidence. I expect a complete and utter apology for your outrageous behavior.
Permit me to explain a few drastic explanations? The name "Kcinsorg Ebworam" comes from an ancient dead language known as, "Onwaycaleestra Naparteeness." It has not been spoken for ten thousand years and cannot be found in any Dictionary, library or even on Google search.

Though there are Kenneth Copeland and Jimmy Swaggert videos, where they inexplicably start speaking just such a language. Here I thought it was just gibberish! I could be wrong, though, would have to see more Onwaycaleestra Naparteeness to analyze it, determine whether, like Copeland and Swaggert, it's just babble, of no conceivable language structure.

The fact is, Kenneth Copeland has a personal Jet and his explanation is easily understood. He has stated: Public airline Jets are, "Large tubes filled with demons, drug addicts and a number of very angry Curmudgeons and malcontents" who are continually approaching him and interrupting his concentration. Therefore, it was, of necessity, for him to find another mode of transportation. His multi-million dollar personal Jet was the correct answer to his dilemma. He even has his pilot's license and is able to fly his Jet himself. I must admit at this point, I elaborated a few of the essentials in order to hold the attention of the viewing audience. I believe it's called, "Poetic Licence?"

That's all well and good, albeit a more sympathetic and compelling argument would have been airline food. But the bottom line is that, if Kenneth Copeland has to have a stage between himself and his congregation, he should find some other work.

Anyway, thanks for adding Lon Chaney, Jr. (not to be confused with somebody truly hideous, Dick Cheney) and Vincent Price, though I think they were a given. We can't mention everybody, like The Mummy and any mummy artifacts that could be spread around Europe, or Saint Nimrod, patron saint of architects and linguists. Ecumenicism with the Wolfman. It's too many to cite, a cast of thousands. Hey! Maybe just "everybody but Jesus" would do? They could even call the new religion Ianity! We could have a dozen threads about it, on every page, and just stop using all the scripture people find so annoying.

I do apologize over the $20, was under the impression I owed you the $20, that you started that. But sorry, and my memory is beginning to come back, and, yes, it is you who borrowed from me, and, as I recall, it was $100. I do understand your wishes as to doing this in a PM, and I'll send you one about your taking shameless advantage this way, and what a con artist you are over the $200 you owe me, this to avoid any further public embarrassment.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Though there are Kenneth Copeland and Jimmy Swaggert videos, where they inexplicably start speaking just such a language. Here I thought it was just gibberish! I could be wrong, though, would have to see more Onwaycaleestra Naparteeness to analyze it, determine whether, like Copeland and Swaggert, it's just babble, of no conceivable language structure.

That's all well and good, albeit a more sympathetic and compelling argument would have been airline food. But the bottom line is that, if Kenneth Copeland has to have a stage between himself and his congregation, he should find some other work.

Anyway, thanks for adding Lon Cheney, Jr. and Vincent Price, though I think they were a given. We can't mention everybody, like The Mummy and any mummy artifacts that could be spread around Europe, or Saint Nimrod, patron saint of architects and linguists. Ecumenicism with the Wolfman. It's too many to cite, a cast of thousands. Hey! Maybe just "everybody but Jesus" would do? They could even call the new religion Ianity! We could have a dozen threads about it, on every page, and just stop using all the scripture people find so annoying.

I do apologize over the $20, was under the impression I owed you the $20, that you started that. But sorry, and my memory is beginning to come back, and, yes, it is you who borrowed from me, and, as I recall, it was $100. I do understand your wishes as to doing this in a PM, and I'll send you one about your taking shameless advantage this way, and what a con artist you are over the $200 you owe me, this to avoid any further public embarrassment.

What better person to take advantage of than a friend?


Has anyone ever eaten a "Pickled Pigs foot?"


Did someone say pickled pigs feat?


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Well-known member
now the non-Christians are evil but are part of the Body of Christ

Both Christians and non-Christians - Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. - are part of the Body of Christ

Someone noticed a long time ago that Calvinism and universalism are like two opposing prongs, seemingly miles apart but meeting up at their far ends, at which point they become identical.

Calvinism has to have a god that makes people want to be saved, else they won't be.

Universalism says everybody will be saved but it has to find a way around the Bible facts that (1) faith is always required to please God BUT (2) most die refusing to believe Him. So here again the god of u-ism has to somehow make the lost believe in order to save them, even if it's after death.

Both cults end up in the same place: with a god that has to force salvation...negating faith, thereby replacing the saving Gospel with false ones.
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Someone noticed a long time ago that Calvinism and universalism are like two opposing prongs, seemingly miles apart but meeting up at their far ends, at which point they become identical.

Calvinism has to have a god that makes people want to be saved, else they won't be.

Universalism says everybody will be saved but has to get around the Bible facts that (1) faith is always required to please God BUT (2) most die refusing to believe Him. So here again the god of u-ism has to make the saved believe, even if it's after death.

Both cults end up in the same place: with a god that has to force salvation...negating faith, thereby replacing the saving Gospel with false ones.
That is wise and true. I don't believe God will force salvation, but I know that He has details worked out far better than the a typical brick and mortar BoC.

People will indeed reject God to His face.

But God's Grace will be made further evident in the future to all that have ever lived. Jesus spoke to all that had been, in Spiritual form, after the cross.

The rub is in mankind limiting God to either prong.

I believe that He is omnipotent and a Loving God of free will that He purchased with His death

All will be seen as Holy and beyond our imagination when His full plan is revealed at the close of this kingdom of dust.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using TheologyOnline mobile app

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is wise and true. I don't believe God will force salvation, but I know that He has details worked out far better than the a typical brick and mortar BoC.

People will indeed reject God to His face.

But God's Grace will be made further evident in the future to all that have ever lived. Jesus spoke to all that had been, in Spiritual form, after the cross.

The rub is in mankind limiting God to either prong.

I believe that He is omnipotent and a Loving God of free will that He purchased with His death

All will be seen as Holy and beyond our imagination when His full plan is revealed at the close of this kingdom of dust.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using TheologyOnline mobile app

I'll bet you wish you were right, however, I'm certain you're confident enough to know that you're not.