Good morning. :e4e:
I'm now halfway through my chemotherapy, just had a full breakfast and a mouthful of pills. :chew:
Good morning. :e4e:
I'm now halfway through my chemotherapy, just had a full breakfast and a mouthful of pills. :chew:
Good morning. :e4e:
I'm now halfway through my chemotherapy, just had a full breakfast and a mouthful of pills. :chew:
What this place needs is a bunny. :wave:
Stars... There's nothing quite like a sky full of stars. My favorite constellation is Orion and then the dippers, and Cassiopiea, and another linear one I don't know the name of, and the Milky Way, and....
And then there's:
Thanks for all your concern but my prognosis is very good since the operation, the chemotherapy is just standard procedure to make sure no cancer comes back. I should make a full recovery soon, but the chemotherapy I'm doing doesn't exactly make me a happy bunny in the morning at the moment. :nono:
I walked outside, late, Saturday night and looked up and, for the life of me, couldn't remember the name of Orion. All I could think of was "Ortega."
I have no clue where THAT came from...senior moment, whatever.
I can't wait until I get lost driving home from work.
Sorry @annabenedetti, I can't get YT links open here at work. Maybe attach a pic?
Ortega green chilis. Yum...
The video doesn't change from the cover, so you're not missing anything.
Glad to hear you're a survivor, and :chuckle: at "crappy hamper" ...
Thanks for all your concern but my prognosis is very good since the operation, the chemotherapy is just standard procedure to make sure no cancer comes back. I should make a full recovery soon, but the chemotherapy I'm doing doesn't exactly make me a happy bunny in the morning at the moment. :nono:
I walked outside, late, Saturday night and looked up and, for the life of me, couldn't remember the name of Orion. All I could think of was "Ortega."
I have no clue where THAT came from...senior moment, whatever.
I can't wait until I get lost driving home from work.
Sorry @annabenedetti, I can't get YT links open here at work. Maybe attach a pic?
Ortega ? Taco shells :chuckle:
Hope things continue looking up for ya. :e4e:Thanks for all your concern but my prognosis is very good since the operation, the chemotherapy is just standard procedure to make sure no cancer comes back. I should make a full recovery soon, but the chemotherapy I'm doing doesn't exactly make me a happy bunny in the morning at the moment. :nono: