Wonderful. Since you know where to find him then you can ask him how he's doing too.
(And in regards to my rep comment to you - I was right. :chuckle: )
I ask him
he wants God to exist
want to see a dodge?
Wonderful. Since you know where to find him then you can ask him how he's doing too.
(And in regards to my rep comment to you - I was right. :chuckle: )
I ask him
he wants God to exist
want to see a dodge?
Thanks, but I prefer my Toyota.
Did you ask him nicely?
next time
I will ask him to please answer the question
Have you ever said please before? I can't remember.
just do the search
you know how to do it
next time
I will ask him to please answer the question
have you ever asked questions before? :think:
Good morning.
I did, and noted the date. You're validated, although I honestly had expected you would be yesterday.
But how did you find it? I just searched again, expecting to see at least your uses yesterday of "please" to show up, and nothing came up again. I'm wondering what the issue is with the search function. I double-checked that I'm searching posts, not threads.
I couldn't get anything with just the word 'please'
when I used 'please answer the question'
it worked
Hmm. Okay. That's good to know. Well two things good to know, first, that one-word searches may or may not turn up what's actually there, and second, that you didn't get any results either using just "please." At least it's something with the search function, and not me. :chuckle:
Anyway, as an aside, in looking at your search result, I think he did answer the question for you. I'm not sure why you thought he didn't.
just like you answer questions
I've answered a lot of your questions, chrys. If I choose not to, then it's because I have a good reason as to why, and I don't need to defend those reasons to you or to anyone else. You can accept me the way I am - or not. Merry Christmas.