like marbles on glass
So I just made a prediction for nothing? :mmph:
You sure did.
Do it again! :chuckle:
So I just made a prediction for nothing? :mmph:
Somebody did. :noid:
Well, here's a nice strong cup.
Don't look at the image info while you're drinking it.
And don't look at me... all I did was search for coffee images. There are some pretty funny ones out there. :chuckle:
Somebody in my physical proximity finished off the tech-room carafe. I will have my vengeance.
in this life or the next?
Go gettem!
Good morning everyone.
Another day, another chance to find that little box of happy. I hope you all have a good day today.
I start training today to be a volunteer companion for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease, to allow their regular caregivers to have some respite time. I think I've pretty much settled on the direction I want to go in social work: the aging and the family members who care for them, particularly those less able (or unable) to afford their necessary care. Those who are without an adequate safety net, in all ways. Monetarily, mentally, physically, emotionally. It can be so overwhelming.