“Good morning Breakfast Clubbers, good morning to ya,
we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya.”
1st call to breakfast for all of you out there
America's favorite breakfast club is on the air
happy two year anniversary to all you breakfast clubbers out there
you know who you are
kmoney 1,098
chrysostom 931
annabenedetti 746
Totton Linnet 618
zoo22 468
resurrected 402
IMJerusha 366
bybee 348
Eeset 289
FellowServant 242
Town Heretic 223
Rusha 177
Breathe 141
mmstroud 106
the official numbers 7-23-15
7,123 replies
931 my replies
730 days
334 views per day
10 replies per day
34 views per reply
7 reply ratio (others/mine)
special thanks to zoo for all the botd