good morning breakfast clubbers


New member
good morning

Good morning Chrys and you good folks in the Breakfast Club. My coffee is now ready and my day begins.
I've been helping one of my daughters as she moves into a Hud home which she purchased after jumping through hoops! It has needed lots of cleaning and I am good at that. Of course I am rediscovering muscles that have been in repose for a while!


New member
Hall of Fame
Hope the moving and cleaning is going well bybee. Get that elbow grease going. :D

Morning all. :wave2:


New member
It's too late to say good morning but I just wanted to drop in for a quick hello to everyone! I've been busier than a one-armed paper hanger lately. I'm having to build hutches for all those babies Annie had. It's a bit of a long drawn-out process for me what with the heavy rains we've been having. Anyway.....:wave:


New member

I'm just now having my first cup of coffee. :coffee: I was considering what to have for breakfast and saw your bagel here. Delish! I have one just like that in my freezer from my last foray to the city. I think I'll scarf that puppy up right now and throw in a scrambled egg. Thanks for the great idea, TJ! :D

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber


Fresian bun

Howdy folks :wave:


New member
Good barely morning, everyone! :coffee:

Hey Tottie, I have a question. I was watching a PBS television program yesterday evening about the Queen's Jubilee and I noticed something. The people of Great Britain are so pleasant; lovely dispositions, lovely accents, lovely way of putting things....why don't they fix their teeth? I'm not picking. It's a serious question.