good morning breakfast clubbers


New member
Hall of Fame
Good morning. :)

We had some good, soaking rain, much needed out here. Unfortunately it didn't come without some damage.

Glad you got the needed rain but sorry about the damage. I saw some stories about that. :rain:

Good afternoon, all. :wave2:


New member
The first time I had Seattle's Best... was on a flight to Seattle. :)

I enjoyed it, and thought it was better than Starbucks for sure. I'm not a fan of Starbucks, I'll try to find a local coffeehouse when I can.

Peet's is pretty good too.

At home I drink:


I get it at Costco, and grind it myself.

Heaven. :cloud9:

I've been eyeballin' Peets for a while. Maybe I'll try it!
We don't have a Costco real close but I can pick up Jose's when I go into Cincinnati next week.
I'm always up for trying a new coffee. :)


Well-known member
Good morning.


When Chrysostom gets back, he'll have some catching up to do; he's really been missing out on some good-looking rabbits.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Good morning.


When Chrysostom gets back, he'll have some catching up to do; he's really been missing out on some good-looking rabbits.

It's a portrait of the Queen by golly.

I must say I am a little worried about Chrys...he didn't say he was going away.

Ho good morning good folks. :)