Commentary in Parenthesis: The Earth's Moon will absorb all incoming light, and produce its on by a slightly increased factor. So it will be like viewing a Full Eclipse for about 3 Days in Length, this will impact the entire earth. At which time, all places, countries and continents, containing Genetic Dan will be exterminated very quickly to solicit the mercy of God by revealing more of the "Sign of Divorce", above certain limited geographic areas. ....................... Locally, I expect euthanasia of Genetic Dan, all of their kinds surrounding my general location, perhaps if the trigger is the level force, then I've already made provisions so that their kinds know where I am, and are intent to use lethal force against me, until they are no longer living to do so. Then I will reaffirm to the people in the highest positions of the public trust my intention here, to have the USA exterminate all life south of its border, or as it was illustrated previously south of roswell, new mexico:
600,000 taken out of Egypt ......... 666 ............. then God added to the People surrounding the events that transpired shortly after the people reached the Jordan River ............... So for 5 months the people that remain have the opportunity to be added beyond a limited measure that has concluded the gospel's law. The measure of mercy, is pronounced against the limited geographic areas God has announced with the Sign of Divorce. .................... This issue will be resolved in about Three Days, first I must resolve this public threat, hopefully by clearly illustrating the euthanasia on a much larger scale, to show these people what needs to be done, beyond a reasonable doubt, right now, as I've stated, the only person that will stop those kinds of people from using lethal force against me, is God, in removing their ability to live anylonger and forever, and is what the nations seeking mercy will share, but not all nations will receive any Sign of Divorce and not all peoples, but according to the demonstration of faith Jesus decides to acknowledge with a Sign of Divorce)
(God gave the Romans approximately, Three Days, to dispose of all Hebrew life in Jerusalem for the sin of crucifixion, but they declined to do anything, so when Jesus arose, he showed the Romans that his wounds were not healed. The judgment has been decided for generations to come until this very moment which is on a slightly different set of terms. ............... We have no reason to challenge God's unification of the Gospel's timetable and the Astrological timetable, as their sequences are unified to terminate in 2016, beyond a reasonable doubt. We have no reason to terminate the "Three Days of Darkness", unless enough force is used against the Antichrist for God to give him a resurrected body, then we can openly declare and show the invalidation of the Lord's Mercy for Repentance by the extermination of Genetic Dan. As I will say very soon to perhaps billions, "I told these people to have at me, to ensure suicide, and I've completed my goals at this level" ........... then you will kill yourselves without mercy for a few hours or days or whatever, as I've stated, we have not reached certain levels as of this moment ............... but since they do not attack openly but prefer secrecy, as I've also stated we have walks, and nightly walks to accommodate the suicides, until they are ready to use more force against me more openly)
(There is a very small insignificant chance that nothing could happen, but as I've stated the only way to ensure nothing happens, at the next level, is to ensure the Antichrist is deceased, immediately, then you can pass of what had happened as a solar eclipse, that you misstated.
http://i1112.photobucket.com/albums/k492/psalmsamuel/stateID.jpg .............. you are dealing with people that have chosen at all points to simply die. So, then die, this is a natural conclusion, and I won't experience much or any pain at all leading to death, so As I've stated, "Have at Me")