Pate, and so many like him, deprive the Death of Christ of its Saving Efficacy to save all them His Blood was shed for.
For by him saying that Christ experienced death for every individual, but yet knowing full well that all individuals aren't saved and that some shall go into the second death Rev. 21:8; Mat 25:41, is actually saying that Christ experiencing death for them Heb. 2:9 doesn't save anyone!
That's the epitome of false gospel preaching that the Apostle Paul warned about Gal. 1:8-9 and renders the Precious Blood of Christ useless to Save His People from their sins Mat. 1:21, depriving the Saving Power of the Cross of Christ to save all the Elect of God whom is was it was shed for Rom. 8:33.
A damnable heresy... antichrist!Pate, and so many like him, deprive the Death of Christ of its Saving Efficacy to save all them His Blood was shed for.
For by him saying that Christ experienced death for every individual, but yet knowing full well that all individuals aren't saved and that some shall go into the second death Rev. 21:8; Mat 25:41, is actually saying that Christ experiencing death for them Heb. 2:9 doesn't save anyone!
That's the epitome of false gospel preaching that the Apostle Paul warned about Gal. 1:8-9 and renders the Precious Blood of Christ useless to Save His People from their sins Mat. 1:21, depriving the Saving Power of the Cross of Christ to save all the Elect of God whom is was it was shed for Rom. 8:33.
A damnable heresy... antichrist!