Could God know something that does not exist?
That's not what you said. :nono: You said, "Do you think I'm the only one who believes this?" As if majority opinion counts....
Do what? I said that because you acted like I was the only one. And then I said that the Bible teaches it, because it does.
Oh, so then, you rely on what other people think? What about what God thinks? :think:
Are you really that daft? I was being led, by God, apart from the doctrines of men, into this arena of thinking. It simply occured to me that the God I know would work this way. Well, that He would at least choose not to know who would and who would not go to hell, especially since Christ died for all men. Then I heard someone else say somehting similar, and I was shocked. I had considered the death of Christ for
all men, and Abraham sacraficing Isaac, and "The Fall," all the while wondering why God would do these things if He already knew what the outcome would be. It made more sense that He did not know. And then I was shown, Biblically, that He did not know. He was preparing me before I even realized it.
You said, "....God knew that Satan was an idiot and would get his nose rubbed in it again.
That, "God probably enjoyed Satan making a fool of himself."
The lesson was not about Satan being an idiot or God delighting in his foolishness, but that's what you made it out to be.
I've always thought it was funny that Satan thought he could win. He's a fool, and it's fun to laugh at him. He's already lost the war, but he keeps fighting. What a tool!
Didn't happen though, did it? :nono:
No. What does that ahve to do with it? God said He would look to see... I wonder why He said that.:think:
What are you trying to prove with this quote? "nor did it come into My mind." This was God emphasizing that He did not command the the people to burn their sons, like a burnt offering to Baal.
Context, Brandon......
He already said He never commanded it. The quote was that He never even thought that people ould do such a thing.
Like you did using that last quote...trying to make God's word fit into your preconcieved idea of who God is and what He is capable of....or that you can be right.
Shame on you! :nono:
Bull:shut: God said what He said. It wasn't a figure of speech.
So, then God is not omniscient? If He knows all present things, didn't he already know that Abraham feared Him?
Obviously this is a test of Abraham. Tests are not for God's benefit, but for our benefit. When God speaks, He often uses phrases in the form of a question to reveal to us, spiritual truths. This is not uncommon in scripture, as in Genesis 3:9. Do you really think God didn't know where Adam was?
Think, Brandon.....
Can you serve a God with limited knowledge and still have complete faith that He does not make mistakes?
1] I never said God was not omniscient.
2] God knew Abraham feared Him, but He did not know how far Abraham's faith would go.
3] Tests are for a multitude of reasons.
4] What question are you talking about?
5] God very well may have chosen to not know where Adam and Eve were, for the sake of letting them reveal themselves.
6] Yes, I can. God takes risks, but does not make mistakes.
Pagan? :think: Perhaps not, but.....a leading proponent of this "open thiesm" theology is a Professor Clark Pinnock who teaches theology at McMaster Divinity College in Canada. And a book called "The Openess of God." Published by IVP 1994.
And? They are Christians. And they found the the truth of it in the Bible. Timelessness is not found in the Bible, anywhere.:nono:
Animals were not created in the image of God. Instinct? Perhaps, but free will? :think:
Do you thik God controls the animals like puppets? They are driven by instincts, yes, but they are not controlled by an outside force.
Do you have a problem with that?
You should study more.......
Why do you think I come here? Can you show me where exhaustive foreknowledge of all future events is one of God's attributes? Where in the Bible?
Ok, then, let's approach this from another angle. In Jeramiah 18:8-9 we see that God will not bring about destruction on a nation if its people repent....turn from its sin, which is what happened after Jonah preached.
God simply ordained the means of that repentance by threatening Nineveh through the prophet Jonah. They repented and God relented.
And? The prophecy went unfulfilled, didn't it? I'm guessing you use the NKJV.
Now, did God know they would repent? If so, why not just call them to repentance? Why did He "threaten" them? Does God threaten? Or does He promise? All the story of Nineveh shows us in light of Jeremiah 18:8-9 [if you ignore everything else] is that God keeps His promises. And of course, the verses in Jer. show that He sometimes repents of a promise, under certain conditions. So He repented of one promise, and in so doing kept another.:think:
When did God change His mind about creating the earth before He created it? As you stated....
When He decided to create it. He hadn't decided to create it before that, had He? That was a change. And, once again, if you look above to the previous contention, God changed His mind in regard to Nineveh.
:kiss: and I love you too!
I'm reminded f the inscription on the paddle my dad used to have...
Did God change His mind?
Nope.... :nono:
So? This doesn't change the fact that David, a man after God's own heart, thought He might.
2Samuel 5:12 the promise God gave to David, was given by God even though God knew what was in David's heart.
What exactly was in David's heart at that time? Anything you take issue with? Anything that would make one think God would not want David to be king?
Speaking of Israel's kings and God wanting, or not wanting, them... God regretted that He had made Saul king. How could God regret if He knew what was going to happen? oR is this another figure of speech?
And speaking of God's regrets, He regretted that He had made man, which is what led to the flood.
According to Vine's Expository Dictionary; everlasting means:eternal. Look 'em both up.

God is everlasting, and eternal. So? How is that affected by the future not existing yet, and the past having passed into nonexistence?

And round and round we go........... :juggle: :dizzy:
And another refusal to answer a question.
measurement of time. Ok...but doesn't the bible say that He created all things?
He created all created things. The Father did not create the Son, the Son is uncreated. God did not create darkness, it was already there. Same with time.
You say that God changes His mind. If He can change His mind and be arbitrary, then why not change what He wishes?
Who says He hasn't?
Anything specific you're getting at, here?
Says you.....
Timelessness is not illogical. Uncomprehendable to our finite mind, perhaps, but not improbable.
Then try to figure it out. Go ahead. It is completely logically incompatible with free will. And is impossible, unless there are endless dimensions of time so that all things can continue happening, simultaneously, for all eternity...:dizzy:
:beanboy: Just baiting your circular reasoning.....I never seem to have a problem eating what I want when I want, so no imposition to my free will. See the ice cream/ broccoli analogy I gave to deardelmar.
You seem to place a higher value on your
precious free will over the truth about God's omniscience. :think:
Truth about God's omniscience? The Bible is clear on the subject. And you have already admitted that it is impossible to eat anything other than what God knows you're going to eat, if He knows it, that is...