God Bless This Kid


Well-known member
Well, pip pip, cheerio, and all that sort of rot, for the ignorant old hag. Only morons would let themselves be under kings and queens. That's why we invented America, pinhead.

Well, from over here, looking back at you, who you going to be under soon?

As if you knew anything about who our Queen is....... We vote for our Leaders, only with a better system than you. And we aren't so ignorant that we chuck insults about like you do, you sweet hearted creature, you.

The Horn

This kid has been brainwashed with right-wing propaganda, and he's not mature or wise enough yet to understand this . He doesn't realize how evil and dangerous Donald Chump is . Poor kid. I pity him.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
This kid has been brainwashed with right-wing propaganda.....

LOL!! You are such an IDIOT.

Lets see, a 14-year old kid, raised in a Democrat family, attending public schools awash in Liberalism... ...just where did the brainwashing come from?

What he is is an independent thinker with far more intelligence than you'll ever have.

Change your name man. You're not the Horn, you're the Gorn.

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The Horn

Nope, I'm not an "idiot ". ANYONE who thinks Trump is even remotely fit or qualified to be present is an idiot or has been brainwashed . He may have been raised Democrat, but somehow he's been hoodwinked by Trump garbage .
Trump is the least qualified presidential candidate ever . He's nothing but a slick con man with lots of cash and a slick publicity machine, and an appealing number of Americans have drunk his Kool-Aid.
He makes all kinds of glittering but empty promises to hoi poloi , and they drink it up like a bunch of gullible imbeciles . He relentlessly fans the flames of mindless racism and xenophobia, appealing to the lowest common denominator. He would;don't know how top govern America any more than a dog or cat would know how to drive a car . He is nothing but a ruthless demagogue who is out for his own power, monetary gain and self-aggrandizement . He couldn't care less about the poor and the middle class, and if elected, his tax reductions for the wealthy and big businesses will do nothing to create jobs or protect America from Muslim terrorist attacks. He won't be able to get rid of all the illegal aliens coming across the border or deport those already there . This will just waste billions of taxpayer dollars. His proposed wall is a joke ! Barring Muslims from entering America will do NOTHING to stop Islamic terrorist attacks .
Trump will just undo all the enormous progress we have mad under Obama, create more and more poverty, unemployed,went and helplessness, and make the rich even richer.
His proposed deregulation of businesses will 0only make it easier for big business to pollute more, jeopardizing the lives and health of people all over America .
His pandering to the religious right will only make it easier for gay people to be discriminated against and persecuted and his drastic cuts in help for the poor and poor women especially will only cause the abortion rate to INCREASE .
Trump's total ignorance of foreiGn affairs and foreign policy will put the entire world at risk of a third world waR.
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the havoc a Trump regime will wreak on America . DON'T BE FOOLED ! DUMP TRUMP THE CHUMP !!!!

The Horn

But things were totally different then . The government had no way of knowing what was going to happen. And barring Muslims won't stop Muslims terrorists from entering secretly , posing as non-muslims etc, or stop Iran from trying to attack us from afar .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But things were totally different then .

how do you figure?

are you forgetting that the 2001 attacks on the wtc by filthy mooslims were a repeat of the 1993 attacks on the wtc by filthy mooslims?

horn said:
The government had no way of knowing what was going to happen.

and they do now?

horn said:
And barring Muslims won't stop Muslims terrorists from entering secretly , posing as non-muslims etc, or stop Iran from trying to attack us from afar .

right, and it won't make unicorns fly through the air and daffodils bloom out your ears either

on second thought, considering that the space between your ears seems to be filled with that which comes out of the south end of a north-bound horse, the daffodil thing might work :thumb:


New member
I care because who gets in office in America actually extends to other countries as well you dingbat. If you think the queen has much in the way of political power in the UK then you're just yet more ignorant also.




And barring Muslims won't stop Muslims terrorists from entering secretly , posing as non-muslims etc, or stop Iran from trying to attack us from afar .

It's an effective deterrent. You make it harder for them to come in, you lower the potential threat. It is something people have done all through history by country, providence, and even city.

It works.

Not that such things occur to liberals in the slightest- you all perpetuate an idea that virtually any preventative measure is futile. Build a wall? It won't stop them. Limit abortion? It won't stop them. Voter ID? It won't stop them.

Gimme a break :rolleyes:


Well-known member
LOL! The old hag has never worked a day in her life.
You are entitled to your opinion, and your insults.
But I like you! You make me smile. :)

This is for you and Bea Arthur Brain:
Ha ha!
I voted for Brexit, you chump!
I voted for UKIP! Do wake up, man!

I sincerely hope that Mr Trump becomes your President, because our news each morning would be most interesting.