Gnostic Scriptures:


You stick to your out of Scripture stuff; and I'll cling to Christ the Truth!! - Jesus is the Book of the Law, Resurrected, and made New in the Testimony of the Bool of Life / Christ!!

Paul -- 030513

well said brother. Amen.


Well-known member

May the blessings of divine gnosis continue :)

Perhaps LA would actually continue to engage his threads INSTEAD of continually CLOSING them, which seems pointless, since it prevents or retards any constructive discussion from ensuing. This seems like a 'retarded' thing to do, unless LA can justify his actions by some tenable wisdom. I openly question this tactic, since it is anti-thetical to the purpose of the forum. If you'd like to continue such posts in your TOL blog, that might be more appropriate, since it would only use up blog-space, and people could still reply with comments thereon. Otherwise we just fill this particular forum with a string of dead-skeleton threads,...or 'clutter'.

In the meantime,...the earliest schools of Gnostic theology (more or less) developed their own terms and meanings, amid a more wonderful cosmology, to which later formalized forms of Christianity became hostile towards, branding such as 'heresy', as their own 'orthodoxy' was worshipped as being beyond error. In the religious candy-store, often the more polished or brandied of sweets, takes the cake so to speak.

While we as more liberal 'gnostics' enjoy the language of myth and metaphor, we also recognize the utter mystery of the unknown or 'unknowable' ever before us. The little glimmerings of light (illumination/revelation) that appears amid the great infinite darkness or void, are but little light-posts along way, giving us some glimpse into the nature of things, whose radiance seems as the purest white Radiant LIGHT outshining all, but there is still ever the infinite darkness or womb of the cosmos from whence all comes into being, yet itself remains beyond or prior to any knowledge of definition. One must dive DEEPER to gather these pearls, and even then,...they may elude you. Hence some of the mystics calling such deep meditative states as the 'cloud of unknowing'.

So, ....there is the more primal IGNORANCE, at the heart of existence, an original 'agnosis' that is prior to any arising of knowledge of definition whatsoever. It is that reality before even a definition of 'God' arises, where all following definitions of 'God' or 'any-thing' for that matter emerge as a play of mind.

In any case,...lest we go on,....the primal Mystery of Being is yours to consider and en-JOY. But along the way,...don't knock yourself out,...and do be considerate in the 'manner' in which you speak. You can speak kindly without exclamations to communicate your points, if indeed they are valid, since they will speak for themselves beyond any punctuation. Isn't that a rational approach? I also ask that you do NOT close this thread, since Gnosticism and its 'scriptures' is worthy of discussion.


The shadow of the third Century reflects the error of the literal being forced on the illiterate masses, a good indication that it was the falling away from the Ancient Method of the prior Gnostic light of interpretation scoffed at by those fear programmed converts.

Yet if the curtain be pulled the rulers themselves interpret the scripture through the allegorical light they speak against to the lower levels of their religious/governed-mentalist pyramid.


New member

May the blessings of divine gnosis continue :)

Perhaps LA would actually continue to engage his threads INSTEAD of continually CLOSING them, which seems pointless, since it prevents or retards any constructive discussion from ensuing. This seems like a 'retarded' thing to do, unless LA can justify his actions by some tenable wisdom. I openly question this tactic, since it is anti-thetical to the purpose of the forum. If you'd like to continue such posts in your TOL blog, that might be more appropriate, since it would only use up blog-space, and people could still reply with comments thereon. Otherwise we just fill this particular forum with a string of dead-skeleton threads,...or 'clutter'.

In the meantime,...the earliest schools of Gnostic theology (more or less) developed their own terms and meanings, amid a more wonderful cosmology, to which later formalized forms of Christianity became hostile towards, branding such as 'heresy', as their own 'orthodoxy' was worshipped as being beyond error. In the religious candy-store, often the more polished or brandied of sweets, takes the cake so to speak.

While we as more liberal 'gnostics' enjoy the language of myth and metaphor, we also recognize the utter mystery of the unknown or 'unknowable' ever before us. The little glimmerings of light (illumination/revelation) that appears amid the great infinite darkness or void, are but little light-posts along way, giving us some glimpse into the nature of things, whose radiance seems as the purest white Radiant LIGHT outshining all, but there is still ever the infinite darkness or womb of the cosmos from whence all comes into being, yet itself remains beyond or prior to any knowledge of definition. One must dive DEEPER to gather these pearls, and even then,...they may elude you. Hence some of the mystics calling such deep meditative states as the 'cloud of unknowing'.

So, ....there is the more primal IGNORANCE, at the heart of existence, an original 'agnosis' that is prior to any arising of knowledge of definition whatsoever. It is that reality before even a definition of 'God' arises, where all following definitions of 'God' or 'any-thing' for that matter emerge as a play of mind.

In any case,...lest we go on,....the primal Mystery of Being is yours to consider and en-JOY. But along the way,...don't knock yourself out,...and do be considerate in the 'manner' in which you speak. You can speak kindly without exclamations to communicate your points, if indeed they are valid, since they will speak for themselves beyond any punctuation. Isn't that a rational approach? I also ask that you do NOT close this thread, since Gnosticism and its 'scriptures' is worthy of discussion.


I ( Block my Threads ) because "THIS" is ALL I Get on them. Nothing but Stupid Nonsense. No discussions on the Subject, nothing But HATE toward the Truth // Christ, AND The Foolish Lying "TOPICS" of ALL Responders!!!!
( OK!!!! ), I'll leave this open and watch the Foolish Nonsense taking up TIME AND SPACE, not Truth // Christ // GOD!!!!! - Enjoy you'll's!! Selves!!!!!!
There is a "TOTAL" Definition between Gnostic AND Truth // Christ, - "Light and Darkness"!!; The Definition is the Total // "TOTAL" Difference between the two. -- There's Not just a few differences between Gnostic and The Word of God!! They are Totally Different as the "LIGHT of Day" and light of Night. Only the Blind of Light can think he can SEE The Darkness. There IS Nothing ( "IN" ) the Darkness. The Darkness IS A Nonexistence!!! - ( That which is other than the "Word" ), but the "Carnal Thinking" of the Carnal Minded; and one IS Where he thinks FROM!!. Darkness is the Absence of "Anything" Including God's LIGHT, Nothing IS THERE // "NOTHING"!!!

I "Think" from the Word of God // Heaven /// CHRIST!!! - If the Light is in one, then Christ is in him, and He is Where Christ is and Christ is where he is; in the "Mind" // "Heaven" or Christ that is given to All Christians and, not to any Fool that CALLS Himself anything other than (( "CHRIST" )). Christ called Himself Christ not Christian, Jesus called himself Jesus // Christ, Not ((((( "GNOSTIC" ))))!!!!!! -- If Christ is in one and the one is in Christ; Where is Christ and where is in the One!!! -- (( "I will Come Again and )) "Receive you" UNTO Myself, ((((( That Where I AM, there You may BE ALSO" )))))!!! ----- (( That's the Truth // Christ /// GOD THERE, Not where "Nothing" IS!!

You ALL Do Nothing BUT contradict the Word of God with ""Everything"" but the Word, ""BUT"", - That is Your Religious Belief, ( THEREFORE YOUR Darkness IS "RIGHT" ) and NOT GOD!!!!!!!

((((( Watch Your News )))))!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 050915!!!!


Well-known member
well said brother. Amen.
If one were to exclude anything that was ever 'specifically' considered as being "Gnostic Scripture", that would necessarily have to apply to the Pauline Letters and the Gospel of Luke as well.
That was the total of the Marcion Canon (circa 144 CE) which was also the first formal compilation of a new testament canon.


Eclectic Theosophist
epi-gnosis and beyond......

epi-gnosis and beyond......

The shadow of the third Century reflects the error of the literal being forced on the illiterate masses, a good indication that it was the falling away from the Ancient Method of the prior Gnostic light of interpretation scoffed at by those fear programmed converts.

Yet if the curtain be pulled the rulers themselves interpret the scripture through the allegorical light they speak against to the lower levels of their religious/governed-mentalist pyramid.

In this domain of conditional existence, knowledge is everything....all things are related by 'information'. But as I shared earlier, there is the mystery of life itself, the primal ignorance or 'agnosis' that is at the heart of all,...even though on the periphery we perceive 'things' and 'symbols' with the mind in the play of consciousness, a natural movement of life unfolding, whereby we define, relate and correlate things. There is the mystery of Being itself, the unknowable....and the 'known'...that which can be objectified by the subjectivity of awareness, since there is the 'knowing' and that which is 'known'. But the 'knowing' or 'awareness' itself is prior to any duality of 'knower' and 'known', it just IS. - until we divide, differentiate and distinguish things. Beyond all definitions, there is only consciousness. And even before consciousness, there is its source...which is prior to any 'thought', 'concept' or 'assumption'. But such is the higher teaching of Advaita (non-duality),...although its not really 'higher', opposed to a 'lower', since all is consciousness anyways :) - but we must use language to 'relate'. There is only 'God' besides whom there is no 'other'. There is not 'two'...just this One Reality, Light itself.

Now how much of this went over some heads,...only consciousness knows lol. This is it folks,...reality is what IS. - no matter how the mind differentiates or denominates 'this' from 'that'. 'Salvation' is but a concept, as is 'enlightenment', for all depends on how we define and relate these subjects.



Eclectic Theosophist
Dont forget. Remember your true Self whose essence is awareness

Dont forget. Remember your true Self whose essence is awareness


Remember,........'gnosis' is the very core of all religious experience, being realized individually as a subjective experiential knowledge within the soul of each religionist. This is just how it works,....for reality itself is something realized consciously, if not unconsciously as the substrate or medium in which all and anything can be 'known' or 'experienced'. This realm of 'gnosis' then includes the 'unknown/unknowable' as well as the 'knowable' or 'knowing' itself.

All you can know ever is your own 'being' anyways,...and then in a relative way whatever is passing thru your mind as the spectrum of appearances and sensations you are getting from light reflecting in this realm of space-time, amid all the translations of matter and energy...its just a play of 'mind', which is why its called 'maya'. When you dive deeper into the essense of your being, the reality from which 'you'(as an 'ego') spring, the original space in which you inhere and is your true original nature....its then you begin to intuit or know reality itself before the mind forms any concept of it. Pure reality is prior to any conception or mentation whatsoever, but it is reflected back into the mind as the heart-source. That's where its at ;)

In the meantime we have tools in our religious kits to play and map out our journey of intent and direction in life, as long as we are 'able' and 'conscious' to do so. If this is not what life is about,...then chime in and let us know if you have observed something different, but don't be afraid to follow along and discover some of your own insights that go beyond your beliefs or opinions, for when those disappear and become meaningless, all that is left is reality anyways, matter how the mind chooses to describe or interpret it. Its back to zero :)