Girl Scouts accepting 'Boys that live as Girls'


Well-known member
Conservatives are haters … and what they hate is change. It's getting to the point of absurdity; all this wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth over what other people think and how other people raise their children.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Musterion is reaching aCW levels of absurdity.

All I did was post a graphic depicting what perverts like you have been saying for the past week: that Bruce Jenner is now a woman and he is to be regarded as such. Okay, fine...the graphic simply shows the anatomy of what you believe to be true. :idunno:


New member
All I did was post a graphic depicting what perverts like you have been saying for the past week: that Bruce Jenner is now a woman and he is to be regarded as such. Okay, fine...the graphic simply shows the anatomy of what you believe to be true. :idunno:
This topic goes beyond simple anatomy.


Well-known member
This topic goes beyond simple anatomy.

No. Jenner is still anatomically a man. Chromosomally, too. And he will remain so until he dies.

Yet you insist he's, somehow, become just as much a woman as any born woman.

Because you're stupid and a pervert.


New member
No. Jenner is still anatomically a man. Chromosomally, too. And he will remain so until he dies.

Yet you insist he's, somehow, become just as much a woman as any born woman.

Because you're stupid and a pervert.
First, I don't think "chomosomally" is a real word. Not sure, but if you played it in scrabble I would probably challenge it. I also never said Jenner is just as much of a woman as born women. And, finally, your insults fall flat and are uninspired.



New member
Why isn't he?
First, if you are going to make statements like that, you are assuming the topic you are talking about can be measured in some way. How do you measure the levels of a women? I think trying to discuss the topic in that way is counter productive, so I won't do it.


Well-known member
First, if you are going to make statements like that, you are assuming the topic you are talking about can be measured in some way. How do you measure the levels of a women? I think trying to discuss the topic in that way is counter productive, so I won't do it.

Answer it. Leftists in the media are referring to Jenner as "she" and "her." Do you disagree with them?


New member
Answer it. Leftists in the media are referring to Jenner as "she" and "her." Do you disagree with them?
Oh boy! Loaded questions and the inevitable bait/switch. I will go ahead and save ya the trouble. I believe Jenner is now a woman. There ya go. :)


Well-known member
Oh boy! Loaded questions and the inevitable bait/switch. I will go ahead and save ya the trouble. I believe Jenner is now a woman. There ya go. :)

But he still has the chromosomes and the anatomy of a man. Even if he gets castrated and implanted, he'll still be, genetically, a male.

That is not a woman, any more than effeminate homosexuals and drag queens are, in ANY sense, women.


New member
But he still has the chromosomes and the anatomy of a man. Even if he gets castrated and implanted, he'll still be, genetically, a male.

That is not a woman, any more than effeminate homosexuals and drag queens are, in ANY sense, women.
You can think whatever you like, I will do the same.