Maybe it is me, and maybe it is a change in membership? I remember when I had my best debate within the theological constructs of basic Christian Doctrine, meaning debate in the confines of the Trinity understanding, where debate centered on good biblical exegeses. Debated on the difference of settled views and open theism, and understanding of the differences in dispensation and covenant theology.
Even debates of old earth vs 6 day creation is worthy.
Many debates now on whether Jesus is God, or if He is/was a man and how a man cannot be God, leads me without feeling up to a response.
I do not really care much anymore if you are determined to interject lots of Jewish theology into Christian, but I find responding to that boring.
I really miss the old debates I had with Open Theists and how we had differences in our understanding of the nature of God, and how to divide Scripture righteously.
I miss hot tempers like Dave, long reads and responses with Adam, good reads by 'Poly', all the explanations on MAD offered by Randy. And may more of the old members who could debate inside Christian doctrine; They are not here often anyone and that saddens me.
If I left you out, it is because you too seem you too find little posts worthy of serious debate. :sigh:
Even debates of old earth vs 6 day creation is worthy.
Many debates now on whether Jesus is God, or if He is/was a man and how a man cannot be God, leads me without feeling up to a response.
I do not really care much anymore if you are determined to interject lots of Jewish theology into Christian, but I find responding to that boring.
I really miss the old debates I had with Open Theists and how we had differences in our understanding of the nature of God, and how to divide Scripture righteously.
I miss hot tempers like Dave, long reads and responses with Adam, good reads by 'Poly', all the explanations on MAD offered by Randy. And may more of the old members who could debate inside Christian doctrine; They are not here often anyone and that saddens me.
If I left you out, it is because you too seem you too find little posts worthy of serious debate. :sigh: