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Genesis 1:6 Why did God want the water to be divided?


First, fix your formatting on post #18.

Second, one of the principles of the HPT is that unless the Bible explicitly states a miracle occurred, you don't just assume God did a miracle, because anyone can say, "it was a miracle," to ad-hoc justify their belief or support for an idea.

The HPT seeks to understand the events of the Flood from a PHYSICAL standpoint.

Adiabatic cooling (expanding fluids cool rapidly) and heat being turned into kinetic energy (literally how rockets work) explain much of where the heat from the supercritical fluids from below the crust of the earth went.

You don't need a miracle to separate hot water from cold, because by the time the fluid has expanded the (proposed) 60 mile deep crack in the crust, it's already cooled to the extent that such a separation was not needed.

Again, the fountains of the great deep were sub-zero, not supercritical.
Walt Brown "Temperatures increase with depth inside the earth, Subterranean water abut 10 miles deep would have been extremely hot" RE: SCW "The initial pressure in the 10 mile deep subterranean chamber was about 62,000 PSI.... After centuries of of tidal pumping, the subterranean water exceeded the critical temperature , 705 degrees F. As the temperature continued to increase, the pressure grew, the crust stretched, and the energy from tidal pumping increasingly ionized the water." page 118 in In the beginning. 8th edition.

As far as miracles I claim nor insinuate any miracles were done after day 6.

Adiabatic not a chance, steam explosions add entropy to the atmosphere. Like in a volcano that is mostly the result of water explosion. Under Browns model, there is 1/2 the water on earth exploding into the atmosphere at well over 700 degrees, the idea that that is "adiabatic in its totality" is laughable. Now there is an aspect of this that is 40 days of rain means no sun for 40 days but it also means less heat escaping so it is a win / lose dynamic.


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As far as miracles I claim nor insinuate any miracles were done after day 6.

I was responding to this:

You can separate the waters hot and cold and still wipe out man if he becomes too evil.

There was no "separation of hot and cold water" during the flood.

Adiabatic not a chance, steam explosions add entropy to the atmosphere.

See here:

Like in a volcano that is mostly the result of water explosion. Under Browns model, there is 1/2 the water on earth exploding into the atmosphere at well over 700 degrees, the idea that that is "adiabatic in its totality" is laughable.

Now you're putting words in my mouth.

I didn't say "adiabatic in its totality."

I said adiabatic cooling, combined with heat being converted to kinetic energy.

I said that the energy released was dispersed into the solar system.

Now there is an aspect of this that is 40 days of rain means no sun for 40 days but it also means less heat escaping so it is a win / lose dynamic.

You don't seem to understand the HPT. Go watch this video again:


There was no "separation of hot and cold water" during the flood.

See here:

Now you're putting words in my mouth.

I didn't say "adiabatic in its totality."

I said adiabatic cooling, combined with heat being converted to kinetic energy.

I said that the energy released was dispersed into the solar system.

You don't seem to understand the HPT. Go watch this video again:
I am talking "only" about "Walt Browns Hydroplate theory" and I quoted him, in his book. 1/2 of all the water on earth is "750 to 800 degrees F "according to his Hydroplate theory" and it is all released into the atmosphere in just a couple of days. the ONLY cooling effect it will have is blocking out the sun. BTW Kinetic energy is heat aka energy in motion.

On Day 2 of creation the water was separated by God. In my post "Why" did God separate the water, I proposed no new miracles.

RE: Adiabatic cooling from Enyarts and Brown's POV, their idea is that static electricity aka earth lighting is kinetic energy absorbed by iron and other metals that created different radioactive isotopes, and that work absorbs energy. Neither Brown nor Enyart gives an amount of energy/heat that that could have been absorbed. My view is that, while that can be true, it is not always the case and no matter it is a miniscule amount of kinetic energy aka heat compared to 165,000,000 cubic miles of water at 750 degrees F. released in 2 days. which would cause the seas would boil for months.

"If" God used a better design, than Brown envisions, and that Ps 24 alludes to the heat problem in Hydroplate goes away.


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I am talking "only" about "Walt Browns Hydroplate theory" and I quoted him, in his book. 1/2 of all the water on earth is "750 to 800 degrees F "according to his Hydroplate theory" and it is all released into the atmosphere in just a couple of days. the ONLY cooling effect it will have is blocking out the sun. BTW Kinetic energy is heat aka energy in motion.

On Day 2 of creation the water was separated by God. In my post "Why" did God separate the water, I proposed no new miracles.

RE: Adiabatic cooling from Enyarts and Brown's POV, their idea is that static electricity aka earth lighting is kinetic energy absorbed by iron and other metals that created different radioactive isotopes, and that work absorbs energy. Neither Brown nor Enyart gives an amount of energy/heat that that could have been absorbed. My view is that, while that can be true, it is not always the case and no matter it is a miniscule amount of kinetic energy aka heat compared to 165,000,000 cubic miles of water at 750 degrees F. released in 2 days. which would cause the seas would boil for months.

"If" God used a better design, than Brown envisions, and that Ps 24 alludes to the heat problem in Hydroplate goes away.

I'm not going to respond to any more of your posts until you go watch that video.


Then I will definitely not watch the video!

You say that "you can't have any new miracles" and then you claim a new miracle, as the heat just disappears.


By this you show you aren't interested in honest discussion.

Yup, no honest discussion here.
simple.....waters below the crust and above the firmament...so He could flood the earth in a very short time..
According to Brown that would cause the water to go supercritical as it captured about 1700 years of heat below the surface. Then according to you and Brown it was released to the surface in two days, to judge man.
Brown says it was 1/2 the water on earth was at that temperature, do you agree with him on that amount of water, more or less?


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According to Brown that would cause the water to go supercritical as it captured about 1700 years of heat below the surface. Then according to you and Brown it was released to the surface in two days, to judge man.
Brown says it was 1/2 the water on earth was at that temperature, do you agree with him on that amount of water, more or less?

Still no honest discussion. Nothing but straw man arguments.

Let us know when you're ready to have an honest discussion, and when you've watched the above video.