gay little rep comments from gay little people


Eclectic Theosophist
Dearest res................

Dearest res................

you're a hell-bound God-rejecter who is going to burn in the lake of fire for all eternity

Well, beside the above being totally alien to the concept of 'God' being the very essence of Infinite LOVE,...the 'belief' in ECT(eternal conscious torment inflicted by a higher power) can equally be questioned on a variety of fronts. Go here.

....unless, you turn to Jesus

Well, just what 'turning to Jesus' entails might vary depending on who you ask, and its still assuming that a 'God' who is LOVE would impose an eternal sentence of suffering upon his own creation, which is contrary to the nature and will of LOVE. - the 'assumption' is therefore void of logic, rationale and sanity, unless it can be explained how LOVE would impose and 'maintain' a 'condition' on a living-soul that is against its own will and loving nature. Rather mind-boggling.

it's that simple

That's where part of the problem might lie, the accepted presumption of it. It only appears 'simple' but is rather 'complex' if you dig back into the presupositions behind the 'belief' (pre-loaded dogma, superstition, tradition), if you would see that it is only a 'belief'. Ever think of questioning what you've been told, or your 'interpretation' of such? - the bulk of what we have told to believe may be 'bunk', and if so, one ought to be ready to 'drop' it like a hat, if it was discovered as such. Valuing 'truth' above all would give us such courage.


As far as 'gay little rep comments' and the like,...I'm sure it tickles you 'pink' to use such cutsie terms to stir the pot. A little fun every now and then is fine, but know that 'self-indulgence' can only take you so far before things begin to fizzle :)




better capture these before they get away :chuckle:

gay little rep comments... March 27th, 2014 09:39 AM zoo22

"You got to marry these... March 28th, 2014 01:32 PM annabenedetti sod: desperately seeking relevance

cold family structure March 31st, 2014 11:37 AM Town Heretic Why you bother lying repeatedly is anyone's guess...I suppose you just don't know what to do without me. Find something.

the life and times of... March 31st, 2014 12:13 PM zoo22


New member
Hall of Fame
make sure you link the right post it was given for also :)

As far as stalking, each time ive negged you, you came after to speak to me first, not the other way around, and like here, you are mentioning me. If you weren't addressing me, or mentioning me, you wouldn't get a word from me. I just give you my attention when you ask for it. :)


New member
Hall of Fame
It was positive, thanks. It's funny that you can't come up with anything better than crime to feel good about yourself.

Why not post it then? You want others to know what i tell you, it isnt no different than what i tell you right out in the open psycho troll.

:hint: to you any other loser who thinks you embarrass me by posting my negs, heres a clue: you don't. I wont say anything there that i wouldnt say right out loud to your face. :)

Whats wrong, cant accuse me of stalking you when you keep trying to get my attention?


New member
make sure you link the right post it was given for also :)

As far as stalking, each time ive negged you, you came after to speak to me first, not the other way around, and like here, you are mentioning me. If you weren't addressing me, or mentioning me, you wouldn't get a word from me. I just give you my attention when you ask for it. :)

Why bother to defend your rancid behavior? You have the support of the authorities.


New member
You would embarrass yourself if this rip-off, crime ring of a website wasn't overrun by corrupt, money hungry officials. I was banned and lost time I paid $ for because I did less than what you do to me.


New member
Hall of Fame
Why bother to defend your rancid behavior? You have the support of the authorities.

nutjob, anyone can click the links to the post those negs were given on, and click the little quote arrows and see who keeps adressing who, and you even keep posting in my random thoughts thread too.

I must have special powers to be able to follow and stalk you, when its always you addressing me. Weird how i am able to do that isnt it. :rolleyes:


New member
I was also not attacking you but only speaking how I feel. I was not attacking anyone, only stating my opinion. I didn't call you any names until after several times of you provoking me and even then I don't deserve your garbage.