Future leader of the Democrat party

The Barbarian

I notice that the Hitler sound track doesn't work very well, because he's talking calmly instead of screaming.

Nice try, though. Not quite as dishonest as faking those photos. But good enough to fool you again.

You're way too gullible.

The Barbarian

That's what happens when the NRA opposes anything to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. The reaction is going to be pretty hard.

And this is an entire generation. So she says they won't be satisfied with banning a device to turn guns into automatic weapons. They shouldn't be. We also need to make it tough for criminals and the insane to get weapons in the first place.

The irony here, is that Hitler actually encouraged people to purchase weapons and to practice with them. He would have loved the NRA.

The Nazis adopted a new gun law in 1938. According to an analysis by Bernard Harcourt, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, it loosened gun ownership rules in several ways.

It deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. (You didn’t need to be hunting.) It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.


Learn some history and you won't be so easily blindsided by the facts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's what happens when the NRA opposes anything to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. The reaction is going to be pretty hard.

And this is an entire generation. So she says they won't be satisfied with banning a device to turn guns into automatic weapons. They shouldn't be. We also need to make it tough for criminals and the insane to get weapons in the first place.

The irony here, is that Hitler actually encouraged people to purchase weapons and to practice with them. He would have loved the NRA.

The Nazis adopted a new gun law in 1938. According to an analysis by Bernard Harcourt, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, it loosened gun ownership rules in several ways.

It deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. (You didn’t need to be hunting.) It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.


Learn some history and you won't be so easily blindsided by the facts.

These folk aren't interested in any history that doesn't suit some sort of agenda. Facts be blown.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I notice that the Hitler sound track doesn't work very well, because he's talking calmly instead of screaming.

Nice try, though. Not quite as dishonest as faking those photos. But good enough to fool you again.

You're way too gullible.

Yup, conspiracy crackpots will just lap up anything that fits in with their "worldview". But hey, at least we're getting "paid" for it right?

still waiting for my cheque, how about you?!


The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Those kids are pretty fed up. And they come on line voting starting next year. They aren't buying any excuses.

They're future anitfa employed and supported by Obama and Soros.

Sadly, that's the kind if demonization we see from the right, these days. These kids are fed up with the NRA putting guns in the hands of crazy people, and so you think they're "antifa." This is precisely why the public is on their side.

Never heard of being indoctrinated?

Watching one's classmates get blown away because this administration's policy is to let mentally ill people purchase guns, will tend to make one conclude there's a problem, yes. And they aren't taking any excuses. They're out to change things. They see an abusive system and they want to change it.

They're the perfect age for it.

True. Hamiliton, Lafayette, James Monroe, and others founders were teenagers when they worked for American independence.

patrick jane

Unfortunately, Trump made no distinction, removing the restriction for all mentally ill people. It was a huge mistake, and it will continue to have consequences.

I understand you're trying to find a way to spin this so it's something other than it is. But there is no way to shill it around that way.

It was a huge error.
So, it was all up to Trump, you lying shill? You'e a professional outrage merchant.