Good point and accurate. I was so blown away by the stupidity of the direction of " they were added to the not formed church".
How can anyone believe they could be added to what did not exist ?
They have too many illogical claims.
Good point and accurate. I was so blown away by the stupidity of the direction of " they were added to the not formed church".
How can anyone believe they could be added to what did not exist ?
I'm neither little woman....I can't even say "nice try", because it was quite feeble (and obvious). :chuckle:
SO you suppose the Apostles that walked with Jesus and had the scriptures opened up to them were not in Christ Jesus which is the church ?
The church grew at Pentecost but the church already existed.
You cannot add to what does not exist.
Good point and accurate. I was so blown away by the deception of the direction of " they were added to the not formed church".
How can anyone believe they could be added to what did not exist ?
They have too many illogical claims.
A church existed at Pentecost but it wasn't the Body of Christ.
Israel was a church as well. See Acts 7:38
I see. So Stephen was wrong....
A church existed at Pentecost but it wasn't the Body of Christ.
Israel was a church as well. See Acts 7:38
A church existed at Pentecost but it wasn't the Body of Christ.
I see. So Stephen was wrong....
Scripture says Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
The church existed long before you believe, and again nothing could be added to that which did not exist.
I have to ask is it more important to be a MADist than it is to be a Christian ? All I have seen from MAD is a fixation on Paul NOT ever on Jesus. Those in MAD are really good at changing the context of scripture and the meaning of words but not to good on believing scripture as it is written.
Salvation came by Jesus and Paul said to follow Jesus and yet MADIST say Jesus' teachings were for Israel and some of them were obviously and the vast majority of His teachings were universal and was for those who would place heir faith in and follow Him.
The more I learn of MAD the more they remind me of Roman Catholics, Mormons, J.W'S and all the other cults.
MADist are MASTERS at twisting and diversion but short on facts unless they MAKE THEIR OWN FACTS like added to not yet formed, and FYI you cannot add anything to that which does not exist.
Nope, Stephen was right YOU are wrong.
My belief is that the church of God has always existed since the very beginning of creation, and it has been described in the NT as the spiritual body of Christ, in Christ, chosen by Christ, for Christ.
My belief is that the church of God has always existed since the very beginning of creation, and it has been described in the NT as the spiritual body of Christ, in Christ, chosen by Christ, for Christ.
Speculate as you will, silly woman. It matters none.
You do not hear the Truth, anyway.
And you are spared hearing what he would say of you and your ilk . . so feel lucky for that.
How can I be wrong when I agree with Stephen that there a church in the wilderness? Are you on drugs or something?
Nope are you ?.
The B.O.C. existed long before Pentecost ! .
1Pe 3:18
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,
1Pe 3:19
by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison,.
The whole point is YOU ignore the context of scripture to prop up a lie called MAD.
The church has been around along time, and again, we agree that you can't anybody to something that didn't exist, and the BOC didn't exist prior to Paul. But it is still Christ's church and that's who we follow. CHRIST!!! Not some false claim you make about following Paul as our Lord or something stupid as that.
Another fabrication
As you said, some are for Israel only, some of Jesus' teachings are universal.
You purposefully misrepresent. Again, The church has been around along time, and again, we agree that you can't anybody to something that didn't exist, and the BOC didn't exist prior to Paul.