Barely I, strong on everything else.
This surprised me, since I'm not a big fiction reader:
Your Lit-IQ is 180/210
Barely I, strong on everything else.
This surprised me, since I'm not a big fiction reader:
Your Lit-IQ is 180/210
I beg to differ, all of the anti-Trump propaganda you consume is fiction.This surprised me, since I'm not a big fiction reader:
Your Lit-IQ is 180/210
I beg to differ, all of the anti-Trump propaganda you consume is fiction.
4. Color blind? A quick way to find out how much.
A naive and facile view of the game that makes many poker players a lot of money, year after year. Reading tells is not a big part of playing poker at a high level, at big limits and high stakes. It's not that it's nothing, but as far as tools in the toolbox go, this tool is like a small hammer. Bigger hammers and other specialty tools are going to come in handier, but having the tiny little hammer is useful sometimes, although, you can just tap the bigger hammer with a nail set if you need to.Newest edition:
Emotional Intelligence Test Out of Berkeley. I'll be adding it to the list in the OP shortly.
Your Score: 18/20
Impressive. You've got a strong ability to read other people and understand what they're feeling. It's a great skill to have in a friend (and a poker player).
14/20Your score puts you in the upper echelons of emotional intelligence, yet research suggests that people can improve their emotion recognition skills with practice. So keep an eye out for our forthcoming empathy training tool, designed to boost your score even higher.
I thought one was surprise that was interest. The other was a shame/embarrassment distinction.
I wonder what it would do for me...well, I'll just have to wait and see.The video of the first-time reactions of people seeing colors through the Enchroma glasses that they hadn't been able to see before was so touching.
I wonder what it would do for me...well, I'll just have to wait and see.
Not until I get a disposable income, but eventually. I suspect it will be worth the wait.Are you getting the Enchroma glasses?! OMG, I'd love to hear about your experience.
This is not a test:I took all the bias tests. I had surprising biases, and where I expected to be biased, I wasn't at all. But those are good tests, if you think about them. They're just measuring and comparing how long it takes you to click the correct button, with your fingers, which are directly connected to your brain, which is trying to press the right button. So if it picks up something, that's worth knowing.
In order to regularly make a million dollars a year playing poker, you must be good enough at the game that you can play at a very high level, even practically in your sleep, this is the topmost tier of poker players; there is no real distinction between them, and head-to-head or in ring games together, over a long period of time, they'd all beat each other to death and lose everything in the rakes. It's not like other competitions where there are contests to sort out who's the best one. There's a best group, and being in that group is a requirement for regularly making a million dollars a year playing poker.A naive and facile view of the game that makes many poker players a lot of money, year after year. Reading tells is not a big part of playing poker at a high level, at big limits and high stakes. It's not that it's nothing, but as far as tools in the toolbox go, this tool is like a small hammer. Bigger hammers and other specialty tools are going to come in handier, but having the tiny little hammer is useful sometimes, although, you can just tap the bigger hammer with a nail set if you need to.
Another facet to emotional intelligence is as you might expect, being comfortable and objective about your own emotions.14/20
Emotional intelligence is more than reading facial expressions and body language though, this test is only focusing on one facet of it.
In fact, these two skills are far more important in poker, than being able to read tells.Another facet to emotional intelligence is as you might expect, being comfortable and objective about your own emotions.
And another is understanding others' emotions, and being capable in dealing with the fact that as humans, we are emotional animals.