Unlike yourself, I am not some pompous, pious and pretentious person, who claims that I have already been redeemed. I would not tempt Satan to ask God to allow him to put me to the test as he did with Job. For unlike Job, I doubt that I have the faith and strength to withstand such an onslaught.
God is my saviour and Jesus is my hope, and my hope is, that like Jesus, I might be able to win the victory over the ruler of this world and be invited to sit beside him in our Father's throne of Godhead to the creation.
Another Satan worshipper.
At the very moment Messiah declared, It is paid (finished) He had redeemed His people from their sins. It is the office and role of the Holy Spirit to apply the benefits of redemption to the redeemed. I received the knowledge and the benefits of the redemption of my soul at 10:30am on July 17th 1999. I now look forward to the redemption of my body.