I think that Freak is lying (to a large degree). I asked him to point out exactly what, and better, exactly where the problem is with His teaching in The Plot about miracles. To date he has names the chapter and it's subtitle and one single claim, nothing more. Furthermore, I asked Freak to begin the discussion with his evaluation of Bob's definition of a biblical miracle, and not to my surprise, he has not. If Freak has read what Bob wrote about the issue, then I see no reason why he is running away from it like he has been doing. I have read The Plot and so far I can tell that Freak has not, also, I can tell by the way Freak has begun this debate that he is ignorant of what Bob actually teaches in chapter 11.
But all that may be besides the point, consider...
I have watched Freak opperate in another thread where he defended a poster who's main argument was not an argument, but simply a claim which he keeps repeating over and over and over again. The claim is that he is right and I am wrong about the correct meaning of a particular text within a particular verse. I consistently point out the utter futility and contradictory nature of such a non-argument, and Freak just gave the other poster his unqualified approval dispite his view being one contradictory and irrational mess. "I" can not, actually, "no one" can argue or reasonably discuss a matter (to a productive redemptive end) with someone as willfully ignorant and irrational as that.
On the bright side, let this be a lesson to us all, if you run into a "wise guy" who will not stray from unreasonable irrationality, like pretending that a claim repeated somehow advances the discussion/debate in a reasonable rational way, then just realize that you can not win a debate with stupid. If someone does not have the room in themselves to allow for a reasonable rational cross examination and debate, then such is the case and no amount of persuasive language and biblical apologetics can have any good effect on an irrational unreasonable soul. Sure, while there's life there's hope, but while there's no humlity to objectively review an issue, there is no way for the truth to have it's way. Those who are lost and end up in hell, won the battle, they resisted the truth until the very end, and they never once humbled themselves, instead, the truth lost and they won the battle for their soul. Same way with sin and pride in a Christian's life, the truth has no place where it is not welcome.
For those who decide to pursue dispite such grand problems, and without Freaks repentance, I hope you realize that it is futile to let the fool dictate the rules of engagement. Do not answer a fool acording to his folly. Only the truth can set him or anyone free, and the truth can not even do that if he is unwilling to be truthful and reasonable and rational in the first place, being nicer than God helps no one.
Best wishes, but be mindful of the truth of the matter.