Fox News Commentators aren’t too bright—apparently do not understand how Congress wor


New member

I was watching the first part of “The 5” today (which I do not usually bother with), and it was amazing how they attacked Ted Cruz.

They said he was dishonest because he said at the debate that he never was in favor of legalizing illegal immigrants. Later that night (and again on “The 5”), Fox News showed a 2013 clip of Cruz in Congress, where he said that he wanted some liberal bill to pass that would be (as I understand it) a pathway to legalization (not amnesty). Cruz added an amendment to the bill that apparently he believed would kill it. I admit I need to study this some more because, for one, I am not sure that his plan to kill the bill worked, but that said, I believe that was the case. I will find out soon

In any case, these FNC commentators handled this situation very poorly and showed their ignorance.

I—unlike them, apparently—have studied Congress more or less in depth, have read a few books written by congressman/senators, etc.

Anyone who knows the first thing about Congress knows that it is about COMPROMISE… DUH!!!!!!! You can’t get a thing done if you are not willing to compromise.

Cruz has to work with Democrats, and also with so-called Republicans who at best can be called Democrat Lite… (RINOs). True conservatives are totally outnumbered in that environment, very RARE.

Cruz (page 309 of A Time for Truth):

I helped lead the fight against the “Gang of 8” amnesty bill because it would have made the problem worse. But the way to actually pass immigration reform is to focus on areas of bipartisan agreement: secure the border, now, and improve and streamline legal immigration.

Have any of THEM (at “The Five”) ever had to work in a hostile environment like that?

Maybe FNC is sometimes hostile to their particular personal views (?)—but maybe when that happens, they just suck it up (and suck up) so they can keep their cushy little talking-head jobs?

In any case, Ted Cruz tried to explain what happened that made it look like he favored something he has never favored. But it didn’t work because apparently these knuckleheads—well, what it looks like is they (some?) just do not like him. I feel it is because he is too Christian, too Conservative for them

I never have liked that show—always had a visceral reaction to it (for a plethora of reasons). Now I feel (if I didn’t before) 100% vindicated in my negative opinion of this worthless show.

Those people have never had to serve in the trenches and foxholes of Congress, yet they sit there in criticism of someone doing his best to compromise with unbending foes, while trying to hang onto his principles (and sanity) at the same time, while trying to maintain our country’s Constitution and laws.

I wonder if maybe they are all just “too busy” to read books written by those in Congress—too busy, no doubt, getting facelifts and botox treatments so they can all look 20 years younger than they are



New member
what? you guys don't want to say anything against FNC?

well, 90% of the time, t hey are great. It's that other 10% that really irritates me


New member
So do you forget your login password and have to re-register under a new name all the time to post about Fox news, or do you suffer from some rare illness where you have multiple personalities that are all the same?


New member
It's rather telling that no one else here caught this story or if he/she did, didn't bring it up

seems like just another sign of what is wrong with this country: too many people just yammering away about stuff that

or watching stupid sit coms that

oh never mind. It's a free country; your choice and all.


New member
I guess I have to admit I was a little snarky about the 5. But I was ticked. And I don't take back one thing I said--except maybe the last paragraph. I really don't think Bolling uses botox :)



New member
The only people that watch Fox News regularly are Republican hacks and grandma.

or those who would like to hide their head in the sand and pretend everything will be all right without their input, without their vote

this is why our country is in the ditch. I suppose u would rather sit around watching football

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I was watching the first part of “The 5” today (which I do not usually bother with), and it was amazing how they attacked Ted Cruz.

That is certainly one of the shows that doesn't need to be watched. Ever.


New member
That is certainly one of the shows that doesn't need to be watched. Ever.


well, i have had enjoyable moments there, but the negative won out and i told myself not to go there anymore

btw, dont u think Gutfeld has an in-the-gutter mind a lot of the time?

he talks about really disgusting things

why wasn't he banned along with those others, Ralph Peters and that Stacy woman who apparently said the (equivelant of excrement) word?

they were banned for 2 weeks. But Gutfeld gets a free pass; i guess because he has his own show