I have no desire to do all those things you have to fight so hard to avoid. :chew:
Until you undergo the operation of God, you will be fighting to resist the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. Sin still has dominion over you. If it didn't, you wouldn't be having to battle it.
You say in one post, "How do you know that those of us who don't boast about our own obedience are living like sin and following the lusts of our flesh?"
Then you say here, "I have no desire to do all those things you have to fight so hard to avoid." After i say that we are to avoid living by the lusts of our flesh and after i asked you if you still do things that you know are wrong before God?
Surely if we are born of God, then isn't it a reasonable thing for God to ask us to turn from sinning and live by his will?
We all sin, but there is a difference with wilfully sinning than sinning unintentionally, to purposely sin when we know God, is to go against him.
Do you not know that we are tried by Satan and tested, then that's when we have to deny him? everyone born of God will be tried!
When we can clearly see that something set before is wrong to do before God, do we then still do it regardless? My heart won't let me, i fear God, i have a godly fear and with that i also have a zeal for God. And i want to please him and live right before him.
That's why i don't understand people who go against those who say that we are to live by his will, i thought that all those who love God would want to do this, not do it because they have to, or not even live by his will at all, but because they want to and love pleasing our father.
What do you think it means to go through the fiery trials? Thanks