Yorzhik - "Like" is a word I would easily not use for

denominations, but I get your meaning. Here is what goes on in my head when I consider these sorts of things.
I definitely can not stand to go to a Calvinistic church, they are too offensive.
Armenian's are the bulk of theology that is left. So it's just a pick of the straw if any of them will succumb to bible arguments.
- If they are free will, they are probably not dispensational.
If they are dispensational, they probably are not free will.
If they are anything, they are probably not open view.
If they are open view, they almost absolutely are not dispensational.
I'd rather try to argue the open view against an Arminian, than dispensationalism with an anti-dispensationalist. I guess most anything is good as long as it's not Calvinistic, especially the 5 pointers.
I understand about your obligations and all that, I'm patiently flexible, and I may visit these other churches in the Shipshewana area some more too. One family is almost taking a liking to me. They are "really" neat, used to be missionaries and they home-school. And Shipshewana is great if you want to learn about the Amish. See, for me, I can be a very free spirit. If everything seemed good to go but something isn't right, then I would very possibly leave early and maybe go somewhere else.
I realize that it might be sort of hard to know where to go, but, we (I) should probably be ok as long as it's not Calvinistic and they really hold to using the bible in discussions. (also see problematic list below)
My recent visit was to two non-denominational churches, and I think that has a special attraction, it's like, if you are Christian, you are welcome here, which is a good deal to be somewhat against denominationalism. But, a very large percentage of non-denoms in this area tend to be pretty charismatic, and that is about as much of a turn off as Calvinism. Then you have the whole issue of liberalism verses conservativism, you get nicer than God types, and homo's are ok types, and people who read from bad paraphrases and call them translations. Yuck. And I almost forgot about the extremist types, like the KJV only's. They can be far out nuts, I have had some good and some really bad experiences. If they are KJV "mostly", I can accept that no problem, but if they are KJV "only", then that also presents serious problems.
So in summary. I am least comfortable with
- Calvinism (5 pointers) :sozo2:
KJV only's
Now, I know of a church down in Warsaw (on the south side though, ugh) that I had started working on the pastor and we would have I think two or so likeminded friends going there. But that is quite a ways further, though I must say, the one gentleman was a Sunday school teacher and was excited after reading The Plot and he seems like a really great guy. Even though the Pastor is somewhat Calvinistic (maybe a 3-4 pointer or so), our discussions lent me a somewhat open door for more... And it is a really pretty neat church. And also, Warsaw is home of a relatively dispensational and grace emphasis type seminary, so that area might be better pickins compared to Notre Damn-ish South Bend.
Now, if you don't mind traveling a bit, since you live further up north, we could go on up to Grand Rapids you know. Up there they have full blown dispensationalism. Except for KJV stuff, the biggest issue would be their inconsistent Calvinism, although they may be more like confused Arminians, they would not tend to be liberal nor charismatic. The college is in Wyoming I believe, which is just south and west of the city. That may be an interesting suggestion in case we get desperate for some place that teaches more likeminded stuff.
But for me, the Warsaw church is about exactly 1 hour away. I live right in downtown Bristol, IN. I think it would be more like 2.2 hours away for me to go to Grand Rapids. If your around northern South Bend, to get to Warsaw would be a fair piece, but you would have the best highways in hundreds of miles around. Just take 31 south to 30 at Plymouth and take a left, hwy 30 runs like a full blown interstate. But we can stay more local too.
My biggest suggestion from my perspective is to play it by ear and hope for the best. We may want to visit several places until a welcome seems to stick. Also, I think that having an in home bible study would be wonderful. Looking forward to your email and getting together.