You do not take Jesus seriously because you do not believe His written word, and you do not believe in obeying the written word.
I have
NEVER said that. But you already knew that. You seem to enjoy miss-characterizing my faith and my biblical evidence because I think you are both alarmed and afraid of me. Because you have never heard your authority figures talk about the historical context of Jesus' mission, you really don't know
how to think about it.
You have made for yourself a different Jesus and have brought doubt and suspicion to his word.
Let's be honest, God' Truth, shall we? You are the one who has doubt and suspicion because your God cannot protect you. God has already won, Dude.
A strong faith doesn't have to be defensive.
We wouldn't have the U.S.A if all were as you. You can love your enemy and end his life too.
And Jesus and Israel would have never had the Roman Empire, either. Your distasteful rule about loving and killing--besides being profoundly immoral--would leave a loophole for those who love their family and kill them all and themselves. The Christian woman who killed her children in the bathtub did so because God told her they were demons. She loved them so much she drowned them all.
Romans 13:4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
I have been studying Paul for years and learning to figure out the discrepancies and the contradictions. There is a pro-empire strain in some of the passages written by others that excuse imperial rule, putting down women, and sanctioning slavery. But I have also seen other passages that claim a loving God and the truth that Jew or Greek, Slave or Free, Male and Female are loved and accepted by the divine.
You would know how to get rid of these sinful things if you loved Jesus. We love Jesus by obeying Jesus.
So I don't love Jesus because I have sin and struggle with it daily?
1 John 5:3 Love for God means obedience to His commands; and His commands are not irksome.
I have found being non judgmental and struggling with my own hypocrisy and dishonesty and bigotry is always irksome. But the constant comfort of Jesus in my life helps me recognize those imperfect qualities and do something about them. I am a very unique Christian because of my beliefs. I am content and utterly trust God. No one can ever come between us.
You are hindering people from being saved, if not straight out preventing them from becoming saved.
Again, this says much more about you and your fear than it does me. It is a ridiculous statement.
I prove my beliefs by the written Word of God. You prove your beliefs by taking away the Word of God.
Jesus tells me differently. I look at his words and his actions, and if his words and actions are not rooted in his own mission, then I have to conclude that he is being contradicted by the theology assigned to him by his later disciples.
Jesus had a unique voice. He did not speak as the all-too-human scribes did. He was so far beyond our human failings that he was declared God, Son of God, Prince of Peace and Messiah after his death.
He had no petty revenge feelings or immature reactions to others.
He spoke God's truth--a being who plays no favorites as Matthew 5 tells us and a God who desires "mercy, not sacrifice."
Those are the true words of Jesus because his entire life was lived according to those basic tenets.
Sorry, but my Jesus is not a hypocrite. He does not behave differently from his own teachings.