God's Truth
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do you say the Our Father?
I probably said the Our Father more times by the time I was eleven or twelve years old than what you did in your whole long life.
do you say the Our Father?
I probably said the Our Father more times by the time I was eleven or twelve years old than what you did in your whole long life.
You never said it more clearly you think just as those false teachers at Galatia that since He is the God of Israel we must serve Him as the Jews did.
That is FALSE doctrine, that was what Paul quarrelled with Peter about....you are wrong.
We have to repent of our sins, and that means to stop sinning and believe.
A couple of things we always need to keep in mind.
1) The God of Israel IS our God.
2) Through Yeshua we have been adopted and are full beneficiaries in God's Promises.
We can not do God's Will without Yeshua and we do it with the help of the Ruach. That does not remove from us our ability to disobey. We can and do with regularity. That's because we are sinners in need of forgiveness. The Ruach is not a sinner, however. So what does the Ruach do? God's Will....the Law. How do we know what God's Will is? From the Ruach, yes? Yes. So, when we are being obedient to the Ruach, what are we being obedient to? The Law. Now, if you want to run around claiming that the leadership of the Ruach is false, you go right ahead, but I won't!
1) The God of Israel IS our God.
do you believe we can stop sinning?
Of course, we can stop sinning. Do what Jesus says and you will know how to stop sinning.
I will explain how if anyone is interested.
Jesus says to fear God; Jesus says to become as a child; Jesus says to admit you are a sinner; Jesus says to die to the sins of this world.
Do what Jesus says and you will see the truth, power, and love of God.
do you know anyone who has stopped sinning?
do you know that paul was upset with God because he couldn't?
Haven't you gave up any sins for Jesus, even one?
You are bearing false witness against Paul because of your lack of understanding.
answer the question
do you say the Our Father?
do you know anyone who has stopped sinning?
When I was a Catholic, since birth, really, I was raised to keep asking for forgiveness for the same sins, repeatedly. I lived a contrite life, while I sinned.
The Catholic religion will keep you from God.
They baptize you as an infant and tell you that you are already in, and to be contrite for your sins, and to confess them to the priest.
They do not tell you that we can know that we are saved after repenting of our sins, doing what Jesus says, and actually obeying God and stopping our sins.
The Catholic denomination will keep you from God's Truth.
maybe you and others are misinterpreting paul
peter warned us about that
We have to repent of our sins, and that means to stop sinning and believe.