Forced Vaccination is Wrong


You did not provide any citation to any supporting documentation thus you made an unsupported assertion - fear mongering in this case.

You want to be afraid???? OK. I will present the citations and then you will really be scared. I was sparing you....opposite of fear mongering.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You want to be afraid???? OK. I will present the citations and then you will really be scared. I was sparing you....opposite of fear mongering.
I can't wait. I actually googled "vaccines causing gastrointestinal damage" and the results were very interesting. I will be interested to see your links so that I can check the sources and who is publishing the material.

By the way, comments like, "I was sparing you." are just another form of fear mongering.


New member
It protects me financially.

And this is how insurance protects me financially. I could win a judgement but the attorney fees and expenses will easily wipe out 50% or more of the settlement.
Or you could end up wasting money on suing an insurance company.

I could end up with not enough money to prepare the damage you caused. If I were to win a judgement against you of say 250,000 dollars, could you pay it? Most people cannot so the judgement may not be worth the paper its written on. On the other hand, I could take away you cars and savings and most everything else you have to settle the judgement. Where does that leave you?
The courts could arrainge for an actionable payment program. People too irresponsible or incabable to earn that money would not be able to get insurance, anyway, and therefor still may not pay it. I've seen that happen to someone I know. Disabled people could get federal assistance in payment, seeing how it would serve society to pay it off.

I stay home when I feel like total road apples. I rather enjoy those days as I mix up a pitcher of Cool-aid and watch the entire Lord of the Rings extended cut trilogy. Like most people, if I have a runny nose, sneezes, sore throat and the like, I may go to work. I take extra precautions to wash hands and sneeze into tissues so as not spread anything but, because I have been vaccinated, I am only worried about spreading a cold or the flu, not MMR or something worse.

The flu is worse than measles. Think about it. Which is taking more lives? Colds/flu or measles? When was the last US measles death, vs the last flu or cold death?

Rubella is a very questionable vaccine for multiple reasons. Same with many others.


New member
You cannot point to one scientific study that proves a link between vaccination and autism. Yet you continue to claim that vaccines can cause autism. Or you claim that vaccines damage people with no comment on what "damaged" means. You are playing to peoples fears.

I can point to dishonesty in studies on the issue.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.


New member
You did not provide any citation to any supporting documentation thus you made an unsupported assertion - fear mongering in this case.

We don't have to give a link all the time when it's so easy to go to and other sites to learn it all on our own. All we need are the search terms to get started researching the issue.

Doesn't mean we won't give links but we don't have to always.


I can't wait. I actually googled "vaccines causing gastrointestinal damage" and the results were very interesting. I will be interested to see your links so that I can check the sources and who is publishing the material.

By the way, comments like, "I was sparing you." are just another form of fear mongering.

Lack of Association between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study


Published: September 4, 2008
•DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003140
• Featured in PLOS Collections

Here is a portion of the results section.

"To determine whether our data supported the hypothesis that GI pathology contributes to ASD pathogenesis, we examined the temporal relationship between MMR immunization, first GI episode, and AUT onset. If the putative relationship of MMR to GI pathology and AUT is valid, MMR must precede GI dysfunction and AUT, and GI dysfunction must precede AUT. If GI dysfunction contributes to AUT independent of MMR, it is necessary only that GI dysfunction precede development of AUT. X2 analyses indicated no role for MMR in either the pathogenesis of AUT or GI dysfunction (Table 4). Only 5 of 25 subjects (20%) had received MMR before the onset of GI complaints and had also had onset of GI episodes before the onset of AUT (P = 0.03"

Here is a case of facts staring scientists right in the face and them coming to an erroneous conclusion. A full 20% of subjects received MMR before the onset of Gastrointestinal Injury. This indicates no role for MMR in Gastrointestinal injury????? One out of five times a vaccine is administered, a GI injury occurs. This is not insignificant. They don't cause them each and every time but that was never the claim to begin with.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Or you could end up wasting money on suing an insurance company.
Unless its a trucking company, more often than not, the insurance company settles and all is well.

The courts could arrainge for an actionable payment program.
Could but generally do not. They award the judgement but it is not the courts responsibility to enforce the judgement, that is winners responsibility. If you don't pay the judgement then its back to court.

People too irresponsible or incabable to earn that money would not be able to get insurance, anyway, and therefor still may not pay it.
Which is why I carry an uninsured motorist rider on my policy.

I've seen that happen to someone I know.
Yup, it happens.

Disabled people could get federal assistance in payment, seeing how it would serve society to pay it off.
Odd logic there. There may programs available to assist the disabled but generally if there is a legal judgement against you, the government is under no obligation to bail you out.

The flu is worse than measles. Think about it. Which is taking more lives? Colds/flu or measles? When was the last US measles death, vs the last flu or cold death?
Man that measles vaccine works well. If only influenza only had a single strain that we could vaccinate for.

Rubella is a very questionable vaccine for multiple reasons. Same with many others.
Vaccination policies and programs should be reevaluated from time to time to determine what vaccines are still warranted. The decision must be made based on the entire world, not just the US. As the Disneyland incident clearly revealed, what may be virtually eradicated in the US may still be prevalent in other parts of the world. And there are no two points on this plant that are separated by than 24 hours of air travel, a fact that scares the pants off many epidemiologists.


New member
Lack of Association between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study


Published: September 4, 2008
•DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003140
• Featured in PLOS Collections

Here is a portion of the results section.

"To determine whether our data supported the hypothesis that GI pathology contributes to ASD pathogenesis, we examined the temporal relationship between MMR immunization, first GI episode, and AUT onset. If the putative relationship of MMR to GI pathology and AUT is valid, MMR must precede GI dysfunction and AUT, and GI dysfunction must precede AUT. If GI dysfunction contributes to AUT independent of MMR, it is necessary only that GI dysfunction precede development of AUT. X2 analyses indicated no role for MMR in either the pathogenesis of AUT or GI dysfunction (Table 4). Only 5 of 25 subjects (20%) had received MMR before the onset of GI complaints and had also had onset of GI episodes before the onset of AUT (P = 0.03"

Here is a case of facts staring scientists right in the face and them coming to an erroneous conclusion. A full 20% of subjects received MMR before the onset of Gastrointestinal Injury. This indicates no role for MMR in Gastrointestinal injury????? One out of five times a vaccine is administered, a GI injury occurs. This is not insignificant. They don't cause them each and every time but that was never the claim to begin with.

The scientists seem to be assuming that there couldn't be a combination of factors playing a role in modern autism rates. Roundup, heavy metal poisoning, radiation from fallout rainshadows, wild-type infections and other things have also been linked to brain inflammation, autism and other neuropathologies. If one considers other common factors that can converge it seems like 20% is a noticeable enough link.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Yet if you did a little more research you would learn that William Thompson was a man with an autistic son and an agenda. If you are interested, Snopes has a very interesting article that lays out the time line. From the link, the CDC relaesed this statement about the data:

Access to the information on the birth certificates allowed researchers to assess more complete information on race as well as other important characteristics, including possible risk factors for autism such as the child’s birth weight, mother’s age, and education. This information was not available for the children without birth certificates; hence CDC study did not present data by race on black, white, or other race children from the whole study sample. It presented the results on black and white/other race children from the group with birth certificates.

The study looked at different age groups: children vaccinated by 18 months, 24 months, and 36 months. The findings revealed that vaccination between 24 and 36 months was slightly more common among children with autism, and that association was strongest among children 3-5 years of age. The authors reported this finding was most likely a result of immunization requirements for preschool special education program attendance in children with autism.

Looks like Willy played a little fast an lose with the truth.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
We don't have to give a link all the time when it's so easy to go to and other sites to learn it all on our own. All we need are the search terms to get started researching the issue.

Doesn't mean we won't give links but we don't have to always.
When you make these odd claims you should provide a link to back up your point.


New member
Yet if you did a little more research you would learn that William Thompson was a man with an autistic son and an agenda. If you are interested, Snopes has a very interesting article that lays out the time line. From the link, the CDC relaesed this statement about the data:

Access to the information on the birth certificates allowed researchers to assess more complete information on race as well as other important characteristics, including possible risk factors for autism such as the child’s birth weight, mother’s age, and education. This information was not available for the children without birth certificates; hence CDC study did not present data by race on black, white, or other race children from the whole study sample. It presented the results on black and white/other race children from the group with birth certificates.

The study looked at different age groups: children vaccinated by 18 months, 24 months, and 36 months. The findings revealed that vaccination between 24 and 36 months was slightly more common among children with autism, and that association was strongest among children 3-5 years of age. The authors reported this finding was most likely a result of immunization requirements for preschool special education program attendance in children with autism.

Looks like Willy played a little fast an lose with the truth.

:think: I'll think on that some more and get back to you.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Lack of Association between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study


Published: September 4, 2008
•DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003140
• Featured in PLOS Collections

Here is a portion of the results section.

"To determine whether our data supported the hypothesis that GI pathology contributes to ASD pathogenesis, we examined the temporal relationship between MMR immunization, first GI episode, and AUT onset. If the putative relationship of MMR to GI pathology and AUT is valid, MMR must precede GI dysfunction and AUT, and GI dysfunction must precede AUT. If GI dysfunction contributes to AUT independent of MMR, it is necessary only that GI dysfunction precede development of AUT. X2 analyses indicated no role for MMR in either the pathogenesis of AUT or GI dysfunction (Table 4). Only 5 of 25 subjects (20%) had received MMR before the onset of GI complaints and had also had onset of GI episodes before the onset of AUT (P = 0.03"

Here is a case of facts staring scientists right in the face and them coming to an erroneous conclusion. A full 20% of subjects received MMR before the onset of Gastrointestinal Injury. This indicates no role for MMR in Gastrointestinal injury????? One out of five times a vaccine is administered, a GI injury occurs. This is not insignificant. They don't cause them each and every time but that was never the claim to begin with.
You realize that the study did not conclude what you claim. There was a specific definition used to determine if the MMR caused a GI episode and the data did not support it.

By the way, you are still fear mongering. You are claiming there was a GI injury. Was the GI tract injured or did the patient have an upset stomach for a bit?

Try again. We'll wait.


I can't wait. I actually googled "vaccines causing gastrointestinal damage" and the results were very interesting. I will be interested to see your links so that I can check the sources and who is publishing the material.

By the way, comments like, "I was sparing you." are just another form of fear mongering.

The following Research Letter appeared in The Lancet Vol 351 - May 2, 1998. pg 1327-8.

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or autism in a 14-year prospective study

"By the end of 1996, about three million vaccine doses had been delivered by the Institute. 31 children developed gastrointestinal symptoms after vaccination (table); all except one after the first vaccine dose. Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine was given concomitantly in four cases. 20 patients were admitted to hospital. Antibiotics were given in 11 cases, symptomatic relief in nine, and intravenous y-globulin was given to one child with Guillain Barre syndrome."

Here is another example of scientists stating no link exists when their own data shows damage happening in some cases. Just because the majority of vaccinations do not produce damage does not mean damage never occurs. Thirty one injuries out of 3 million doses is evidence damage does occur sometimes even if it doesn't always happen. How often does a healthy person contract measles after coming in contact with the natural virus? Natural viruses are not introduced straight into the body without first going through the immune system. Vaccines attenuated viruses bypass the immune system.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
The following Research Letter appeared in The Lancet Vol 351 - May 2, 1998. pg 1327-8.

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or autism in a 14-year prospective study

"By the end of 1996, about three million vaccine doses had been delivered by the Institute. 31 children developed gastrointestinal symptoms after vaccination (table); all except one after the first vaccine dose. Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine was given concomitantly in four cases. 20 patients were admitted to hospital. Antibiotics were given in 11 cases, symptomatic relief in nine, and intravenous y-globulin was given to one child with Guillain Barre syndrome."

Here is another example of scientists stating no link exists when their own data shows damage happening in some cases. Just because the majority of vaccinations do not produce damage does not mean damage never occurs. Thirty one injuries out of 3 million doses is evidence damage does occur sometimes even if it doesn't always happen. How often does a healthy person contract measles after coming in contact with the natural virus? Natural viruses are not introduced straight into the body without first going through the immune system. Vaccines attenuated viruses bypass the immune system.
What do you think the immune system is? ALL viruses go directly into the body without going through the immune system. You breath them in. You get poked with something. A bug bites you. You eat something. You get a drop of somebodies sneeze in your eye. ALL viruses get into your body without going through your immune system. Dude, you had better go get some basic education.


You realize that the study did not conclude what you claim.

They did not conclude what I claim because they are reading their own agenda into the data

There was a specific definition used to determine if the MMR caused a GI episode and the data did not support it.

Oh yes, of course they have their own "specific definition" convenient. They get to control the outcome of the study to their liking by doing that.

By the way, you are still fear mongering.

Huh? This charge is bizarre. I only present claims that I know I have read and deemed correct. I even present the links you ask for and yet you still make this claim. If a presentation of reality scares you, then the problem is with you and not me.

You are claiming there was a GI injury. Was the GI tract injured or did the patient have an upset stomach for a bit?

The intestinal tract need not be injured for there to be a GI injury. The system was not working as it should and much more than mere stomach upset.

Try again. We'll wait.
Provide more evidence of what you ask for only for you to fail to comprehend the points made and swallow the agenda driven conclusions of the biased industry funded scientists? No thanks, I'm not a masochist.


What do you think the immune system is? ALL viruses go directly into the body without going through the immune system.

You breath them in. You get poked with something. A bug bites you. You eat something. You get a drop of somebodies sneeze in your eye. ALL viruses get into your body without going through your immune system.

Dude, they all are immediately attacked by the immune system. Vaccine viruses go straight into the bloodstream without first being attacked by the immune system.

Dude, you had better go get some basic education.
Thats totally gnarly dude. Better take your advice


New member
Yet if you did a little more research you would learn that William Thompson was a man with an autistic son and an agenda. If you are interested, Snopes has a very interesting article that lays out the time line. From the link, the CDC relaesed this statement about the data:

Looks like Willy played a little fast an lose with the truth.

Actually, if you just did a little more research it looks like is playing fast and loose on the truth....