Nah, I shouldn't have to guide other *supposed* adults to the correct usage of simple terms. :chuckle:
Neither should I. I can't believe you want to argue that only an encounter involving physical contact is using force. :nono:
I have no need to poison an already contaminated well.
You can't cap my well with that flimsy saran-wrap and anyone who tests my logic can see the truth for themselves. And your little PR announcement does nothing for your case.
(Is your argument that forced vaccination is wrong but never happens?)
Just seeking clarification as to why you are here.
It's called understanding the behavior of children and being able to figure out the most likely scenario as well as who has more credibility.
Replace the word "children" with other human descriptors and maybe you'll see your agism. Try women, minorities, etc.
As far as agism, until the day you give ALL children the same amount of responsibility and freedom, you, by your own description, are an age bigot.
Here's how dumb you sound, worded another way. Until the day you give all adults the same responsibility and freedom you are a bigot.
Some children are liars like some adults. Adults are not automatically good and right just because they are doctors, teachers or those who occupy any other station in humanity you might worship.
Be sure to let us know when an arrest of those you are accusing has been made.
Right, because every crime brings an arrest, especially if the crime was committed by school staff. :carryon:
One, I do not believe the bit about reading the CDC info that was relevant.
Here's an idea; post your list of links if you want to influence them.
Two, well :duh: No child wishes to have a shot. This surprises you?
Certainly! After seeing all my children with cavities sit there calmly and take their shots. Lots of "ow" with one girl but no saying "stop."
You were the one rambling on about how much you allow your children to have voices because you are not tyrants. So sorry if your own inconsistencies defeat your arguments (which never actually came together in the first place).
:dizzy: Right, if they can read, then they must drive. If they can refuse consent, they must what? Be at liberty to drink? Huh?
:chuckle: Now that's funny. How long did it take you to come up with this?
Translation: I dunno what to say... :help:
I'm gonna say it again so nobody misses it.
While you are saying that, you are selfishly and vainly trying to get "herd immunity" for your child, above the health risks to my child from your medical fanaticism.
I wouldn't know. My children never had access to a computer as children with the exception of school.
That either makes you ancient or an interesting kind of parent. :think:
As far as *contending* with her myself, it's entirely up to you as to whether you allow your children to participate in TOL. As for the users, they would not know without notification that it was a child, and she/he might be treated in the same manner as other members are on TOL.
Why do you think we want to keep her off TOL? She's a growing girl and doesn't need the stress you offer.
Personally, I would never have allowed my kids even as teens on this website because it's for adults. However, I have no doubt you will argue that your way is better. :chuckle:
Tell Nori you said that.
Or Yorzhic (sp?)
Only my own ... years ago. And yes, I have read the material and the benefits far outweigh the minimal risks. Though again, as long as the non-vaccinated are segregated away from those vaccinated against the deadly diseases, not a problem.
Segregation. How far would you take that? Back to the Warsaw ghettos with our family, eh? Been there, done that, Rusha. Lost family members as a result. :sigh:
Only in your world would trusting the competency of those EDUCATED in medicine and diseases over the everyday mom/dad/caregiver be considered *bigotry*.
It is bigotry to assume if they are not school staff or hold a PhD in something they are ignorant, stupid hicks.
The family wasn't present.
How long did it take you to come up with
I guess the reporter forgot they could ask to speak with them. Whoops.
You are willing to selfishly sacrifice EVERYBODY'S kids by refusing vaccinations.
Because "EVERYBODY'S kids" are in grave danger of a kid who didn't get a shot? :dizzy: Laughable. If that's even true, they are in grave danger when they travel to and from school, and in grave danger from all the contagions that cannot be vaccinated away no matter what you believe.
There are millions of contagious strains! How do you miss that fact? :doh:
And if a third or half the school is already opting out of vaccines, who should stay home? Non-vaccinators tend to cluster; why not let them?
Oh, so you don't believe those who were exposed to the recent Ebola outbreaks should have been quarantined and thereby not given the same preferential treatment as those who were not exposed.
Huh? Exposed or sick people
should be quarantined. That's not a forced vaccination. You want a forced ebola vaccination? How about we just put infrared cameras in like TX and send kids home who have a fever.
But I guess that's just too easy an answer.
:Wouldn't that be convenient if that were actually the case? :chuckle:
What evidence of a violent display do you have? Video footage? It is a school, after all; where's the fit? Are you going to call his words violence? That's as bad as redefining "force" to suit your agenda. :doh:
So you say, Peacecrusher.
It's not?
You don't judge anything without an actual judge to help you? Sheesh.
Not threatening to destroy school property during his tantrum ...
I agree it would have helped if he instead accused the staff trying to force him of "bad touch" or threat of "bad touch."
During the ensuing mayhem that act would have caused he could easily have gotten home with a request and away from their needles.