ECT For those with eyes to see and ears to hear

Totton Linnet

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You just do as God says or it will not go well with you

If wilfully ignorant, you are correct and they go on to destroy themselves. Some who are in that mode and recognize their plight soon cry out for deliverance. Is that not freewill in action?

That assumes an awful lot about a lot of things...people killing themselves every day without crying out for mercy...I believe man left alone without divine intervention will simply forget God, as they did before the flood and in S & G

Cross Reference

New member
That assumes an awful lot about a lot of things...people killing themselves every day without crying out for mercy...I believe man left alone without divine intervention will simply forget God, as they did before the flood and in S & G

There was no Holy Spirit given before the flood.

Man left alone will destroy himself. That is true and that is why the Holy Spirit is in the world to:
". . . . convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment;
John 16:8 (YLT)

Men who pay attention and let Him do His job within them, will be affected by Him unto righteousness. By this can we not expect a battle of the wills to take place?

Cross Reference

New member
So then it is the Holy Spirit who has free sovereign will

...that has always been my contention.
Well then, your contention is wrong: "God loves them that love Him". What is stronger than loving Him is the flesh of man. That is where the battle takes place. That is what overcoming is all about. You live in flesh as well as anyone else that you should know that is certain. That is why it is written we were made in the image of God.

Cross Reference

New member
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
(Galatians 5:1)​

:) Spot on but in the spiritual was he admonitioning them. I would suggest man's freewill isn't spiritual but of a created origin.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
(Galatians 5:1)​

That's right, but you sayin' they never were entangled with a yoke of bondage, you said they had freewill.

Freewill doctrine makes the cross totally irrelevant, for all man needs to do is exert his freewill.

Cross Reference

New member
Originally Posted by Totton Linnet View Post
Choice is not freewill, YOU don't get to create any choice of your own you must choose between the choices set before you...

Choices are brought about for the freewill to make a choice; a selection of which one he will have for himself...

Totton Linnet

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The way to stand fast in the liberty wherewith we are made free is to stay in God's will

...if you go back to "freewill" which is as you have shown is bondage you'll get into trouble.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Without freewill we wouldn't have myriad denominations calling themselves Christian.

That is will but is the will in bondage and not submitted to God's will...we's supposed to be on God's perfect will not faffing around with our "own free will" which is bondage

Totton Linnet

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Originally Posted by Totton Linnet View Post
Choice is not freewill, YOU don't get to create any choice of your own you must choose between the choices set before you...

Choices are brought about for the freewill to make a choice; a selection of which one he will have for himself...

He who brings the choices and is ready to implement the consequences of our choice, He it is who has free sovereign will

Cross Reference

New member
Quote Originally Posted by Totton Linnet View Post
Freewill doctrine makes the cross totally irrelevant, for all man needs to do is exert his freewill.

Exert his freewill for what and why would you assume all men would choose against God?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Quote Originally Posted by Totton Linnet View Post
Freewill doctrine makes the cross totally irrelevant, for all man needs to do is exert his freewill.

Exert his freewill for what and why would you assume all men would choose against God?

Man has already made the choice, the wages of his choice is death, every man sins, every man dies...the only hope man has if God would have mercy upon him....thanks be unto God He is plenteous in mercy