ECT For those with eyes to see and ears to hear


Active member
IMO, these points reconcile the NT Scriptures for and against OSAS.
If you would like to see Scriptural proof for anything, please just ask.

• God’s simple invitation to believe the gospel (e.g. John 3:16) is
how He begins to rescue some fishes out of the sea of humanity.
Later, they find out what’s involved and what’s required of them.
They should learn their ticket to heaven is not a free pass to sin!

• Those who do believe were given a seed of faith by God,
which was absolutely necessary for them to be able to believe.

• God’s free gift of grace is … #1 that is possible for a human
being to be saved and spend eternity with God in heaven!
God’s free gift of grace through faith in Jesus and His gospel
is not guaranteed to last a lifetime, i.e. it can be thrown away,
walked away from, drawn back from, etc. … God’s grace is
not about giving His people a free pass to sin!

• The true believer is positionally sanctified (set apart) to be
worked on by God the Holy Spirit (progressively sanctified).
Throughout the Scriptures, it’s all about repentance for sin,
which leads to God’s forgiveness.

• Upon initial salvation, God completely forgives all past sins,
but this does not cover future sins (which must be dealt with).
What is more ridiculous than people repenting of their sins
one time! … and then not having to repent of any future sins?
Unbelievers go to hell because they are habitual sinners, but
some believers go to heaven while doing the same thing?

• Ultimately, man has free will to refuse to co-operate to be
fully sanctified. Simply stated, born-again believers have no
excuse for not overcoming their sins, especially since there
are dozens of warnings about being habitual sinners, and
the Holy Spirit has been trying to convince them to stop this!
Jesus repeatedly said the one who loves Him will obey Him.
Practicing righteousness makes one righteous in God’s eyes.

• God’s new covenant with man is much superior to His old
covenant since He has given the true born-again believer:
1 -- a new nature, wherein he no longer is a slave to sin
2 -- the precious Helper, the Holy Spirit, who dwells within
3 -- all of the God-breathed Scriptures in the Holy Bible
This trinity of blessings gives the NT believer a tremendous
advantage over the OT believer who only had God’s prophets.

• In all of God’s dealings with man, He has insisted on man’s
co-operation … this salvation thing is a process wherein
God the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and teaches the believer.

• All throughout the Bible, one of God’s major themes is:
sin results in eternal death. And it is obvious throughout
Scripture that disobedience is not tolerated by God.
Plus … the NT states that disobedience proves unbelief.
And we know that unbelief also results in eternal death.
Therefore, as you can see, there is no such thing as OSAS.
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Active member
This is why Tots and others fight so vehemently against the doctrine of freewill
...all this mess comes from that stinkpool
This lady ALWAYS responds with EMOTION.
This lady NEVER responds with SCRIPTURE.

I post ...
many Scriptures which warn about loss of salvation.

Whether or not OSAS is true,
the Lord has called me to point out the U/L bold.

Approx. 20 years ago, Jesus told me:
"On Judgment Day, I don't want anyone
complaining to Me, 'No one ever told me!'"


Active member
God does not justify a person who does not think
they need his justification from their debt of sin!
Everything begins and ends with God's grace ...
but the NT teaches that man has responsibilities!
Just as partners in a covenant must
uphold both of their ends!

Paul says, CHOOSE in Romans 6
(which no one seems to understand)!

Just like the OT says,
CHOOSE this day whom you will serve!

God never changes (Malachi), and
Jesus remains the same (Hebrews)!

patrick jane

Everything begins and ends with God's grace ...
but the NT teaches that man has responsibilities!
Just as partners in a covenant must
uphold both of their ends!

Paul says, CHOOSE in Romans 6
(which no one seems to understand)!

Just like the OT says,
CHOOSE this day whom you will serve!

God never changes, and
Jesus remains the same!

It's called free will


Well-known member
Everything begins and ends with God's grace ...
but the NT teaches that man has responsibilities!
Just as partners in a covenant must
uphold both of their ends!

Paul says, CHOOSE in Romans 6
(which no one seems to understand)!

Just like the OT says,
CHOOSE this day whom you will serve!

God never changes (Malachi), and
Jesus remains the same (Hebrews)!

Your rom 6 is a bit different from what he meant. In the new covenant, the Spirit does that in you. That's how you know it is new--it would never happen in the old. The NT emphasis is much more on how this is proof of God at work, than an exercise in self-will that we are conscious about and for which there are 'how-to' books and speakers about. This is so much the case, that we are told we are 'dead' to sin and 'alive' to righteousness. we are not told there is a method that makes this happen, other than it happens when justification is truly understood and received.

The debates about the methods down through the years have been mostly worthless.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
This lady ALWAYS responds with EMOTION.
This lady NEVER responds with SCRIPTURE.

I post ...
many Scriptures which warn about loss of salvation.

Whether or not OSAS is true,
the Lord has called me to point out the U/L bold.

Approx. 20 years ago, Jesus told me:
"On Judgment Day, I don't want anyone
complaining to Me, 'No one ever told me!'"

Show me a scrap of scripture which says God gave man the matter of freewill offerings God grants freewill, because God will never command the return of gifts.

You will be able to show where He gives man to choose life or death but that is not free will...if he choose life it is God's will, if he choose death he dies, dead men have no free will.

If man had free will he would choose to disobey and yet live, but this is not granted to him.
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Active member
Show me a scrap of scripture which says God gave man freewill
You most truly are out of your mind ...
How is it possible for any believer to be as messed up as you are?

"Choose this day whom you will serve."

Everything in Scripture is about free-will choices!

E.G. many times in Jeremiah, God said ...
"Since My people always have refused to obey Me,
I will destroy them with war, famine, and disease."

And He did just that (several times).

Paul instructed the Roman Christians ...
"Choose to be slaves of sin, or slaves of obedience/righteousness/God."

Cross Reference

New member
You most truly are out of your mind ...
How is it possible for any believer to be as messed up as you are?

"Choose this day whom you will serve."

Everything in Scripture is about free-will choices!

E.G. many times in Jeremiah, God said ...
"Since My people always have refused to obey Me,
I will destroy them with war, famine, and disease."

And He did just that (several times).

Paul instructed the Roman Christians ...
"Choose to be slaves of sin, or slaves of obedience/righteousness/God."

I wonder if she is married?


I think it is fascinating that a person can choose to deny the existence of free will and be blind to the contradiction in that choice. :)

patrick jane

Show me a scrap of scripture which says God gave man the matter of freewill offerings God grants freewill, because God will never command the return of gifts.

You will be able to show where gives man to choose life or death but that is not free will...if he choose life it is God's will, if he choose death he dies, dead men have no free will.

If man had free will he would choose to disobey and yet live, but this is not granted to him.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You most truly are out of your mind ...
How is it possible for any believer to be as messed up as you are?

"Choose this day whom you will serve."

Everything in Scripture is about free-will choices!

E.G. many times in Jeremiah, God said ...
"Since My people always have refused to obey Me,
I will destroy them with war, famine, and disease."

And He did just that (several times).

Paul instructed the Roman Christians ...
"Choose to be slaves of sin, or slaves of obedience/righteousness/God."

Choice is not freewill, YOU don't get to create any choice of your own you must choose between the choices set before you....that is God's sovereign will

You don't even get to choose not to choose, you must choose.

If man ever had freewill he would choose to sin but not die.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
PROVE you have freewill, lay down right now and die then raise yourself from the dead, that should not be difficult for you seeing you have freewill.

And Paul didn't say you had freewill, he said you were in bondage.